
Toronto Triathlon Club Swim Meet

A silly night of racing, pitting our Coach's two swim classes against each other!

Individual races: 200m, 50m, 100m, 50m, 25m

Relays of 50m x 6: this is where our Coach's imagination came into play...
- kicking on your back with your arms extended behind you
- butterfly w/ fins (we thought it would be freestyle with fins!)
- freestyle w/ PFTs (??)
- pulling backwards on an inflated tube and having to give your wet t-shirt to the next person!

I was originally put down just for the "t-shirt relay," but when a second 50m heat came around, I thought I'd give it a try. Not sure exactly how I did, but when I got out I asked my friend CM if I wasn't last - he said, "no." So I asked, "was I not second last?" And he said, "You weren't last. That's what's important." LOL! Point taken.

Then it turned out they were gonna have everyone do the 25m in several heats, and I thought I did quite well in that. I even thought about my form as I was thrashing about.

But my real chance to shine was when our regular freestyle fins relay got turned into a butterfly race! Everyone just looked at each other perplexed, and one of our best racers who was signed up for it was really worried about having to do it, so I said, "I know how to do butterfly!" and switched out with her. I had to learn it when I was about 12 or 13 at swim team, and although it's an incredibly challenging and awkward stroke, I guess I still have the muscle memory. It came back to me really fast after all these 15 years or so, although the fins definitely helped. I had a really smooth first 25m, and the way back was really hard to breathe, but I loved it. And everyone thought I looked like a proper butterflier! Haha. I think I was inspired by one of the other team's captains, who, like, really had a beautiful smooth butterfly, with tons of air. I really wish I could see how I looked!

The last thing I did was the t-shirt / tube relay, which was just as ridiculous as it sounds. My friend CM came up with an efficient wet t-shirt exchange, where you hold the next person's hands, and a third person just pulls the t-shirt off one head and onto the other. Haha. Worked perfectly; I think we won that one.

But after all our races and points, it turns out our two teams tied!

--Distance: 175m + a lot of screaming
--Duration: who knows?

Chiropractic Treatment

Adjustments to my dysfunctional foot joints and ankle joints, plus a lot of deep massage on my feet, which hurt for the rest of the day. My intern used a Thumper on my calf muscles instead of her hands.  Most soreness in medial calf again.  SI joint adjustment as well.

Foam rolling on my calf muscles, with medial calf giving me big problems.

Squats on a Wobble Board, which will improve the proprioception in my weak ankle joints.
20 squats @ BW. Did not touch down once. Freaking wicked.

XSNRG Running Club

Route Link
Did this workout all alone after the bike clinic. After several months of very consistent splits, tonight I dropped and dropped with each loop; it was very surprising.

Warm-up: 850m, jog + ABCs
Exercises: leg swings, airplanes

4x Hanna Figure-8s + 1/2 loop extra, 2min Rest
Each 8 1/2: 1.65km, or a touch over a mile
Terrain: there be hills

6:45 / 6:58 / 7:02 / 7:04

Not terrible for a hilly mile, but I just felt sluggish. I even visualized racing other people, but kept getting slower. Strange!

Cool down: 750m

--Distance: 8.2K
--Duration: 50mins


Bike Fitting and Purchasing Clinic

I originally signed up for this when it was to be a Bike Maintenance clinic - with the tagline, "Don't know your top-tube from your derailleur?" - that's right, I don't. But the folks at TTC and Enduro Sport switched it up to a purchasing clinic ahead of this weekend's Spring Bike Show.

Fitter and ex-Cervélo man Chris took us through every part of the bike-purchasing process, essentially repeating a lot of the stuff my friends and Chris himself had told me in the fall before I bought my bike. I still find a lot of this stuff very confusing, so it's hard to relate it all here.

There was a lot of talk of warning signs like a store only selling what they have, telling you they can squeeze you into a slightly off-size bike. Everyone always has a correct size.

For women's specific bikes, he got into a lot of recent studies about how men and women are not much different proportionally, and how if a bike fits you, you should get it regardless of which gender it is being marketed to. Often, the difference is just stereotypical colour choice rather than anything that will improve comfort or performance, while women's lines are also usually much more limited.

The big lesson of the day was that the fit of the bike is the single most important factor in why you should buy it, ahead of both performance and value. I know based on Chris's own recommendation that I'm on the right size of bike, but there was a bit of a mismatch between how he does fittings and how my fitter did mine a few weeks back.

I showed Chris my before-and-afters, and he said that the back of me is alright, but my arms should be resting with the elbows over the pads, to allow for all the weight of my upper body to transfer from my shoulders straight down to the bike, without my muscles having to do any of the work. The hands should be relaxed on the bars. My fitter had me put my forearms on the pads, and wanted me to pull up on the bars. Chris wanted to shorten the stem, while my fitter had warned against that.

Once again, I am stuck between opinions, and as an inexperienced rider, it's impossible for me to tell which way to go! I think given that I have to move forward on the bars to get my elbows on the pads, which would compromise my current angles, it would be okay to then shorten the stem to make-up for this. Still not sure if I need new bars, as I can't reach the shifters.

No time to get into the saddle and shoe choice, which I will have to make very soon (probably at the bike show). I just learned that triathlon saddles tend to be made more for riding right on the nose rather than with the butt fully on the back of the seat. So needs to be comfy in the front.

Oh, the plight of the newbie!


Stars Winter Adventure Race Ski-O

Venue: Wasaga Beach Nordic Centre
Terrain: rolling dunes, softest powder snow
Weather: sunny, about zero - perfect!

Route Link

First ever x-country ski race! I told the organizers it was my 4th time ever on skis, and maybe the 400th orienteering, so we'll see how that averages out, haha.

Turns out I left my orienteering brain at home (must have fallen out at night, rolled under the bed, and I couldn't find it in the morning), but I brought out my skiing brawn in full force.

The course was mainly flat and extremely well-groomed, making it easy for me to muscle my way through quickly. I had one of the fastest splits to control 1, wow. But things quickly fell apart because I was so nervous about doing well in this new sport.

I knew we were allowed to go off-trail, and even take off our skis, but I had no idea how to do that efficiently. I successfully hopped once between two trails, carrying my skis, but after control 2, I should not have done the same thing. I tried cutting across two wide parts between trails instead of going around. A branch must have caught my compass, because the dial came right off! I had to waste time backtracking to see if I could find it, but no luck. I decided to be smarter and take the trail on my actual skis, duh.

I had a good run after that, but kept overshooting trails, not really paying attention to where my turn-offs were, and just muscling and muscling forward. I also had no idea until the end that the trails marked as skate trails also had classic trails on them, and elected not to use them, oops.

But suddenly at around control 6, I started seeing other racers again, and I got all confident that I wasn't doing so badly. I was handling really well, moving quickly, and I finally started to cut between trails again, but this time on my skis. There was one really cool climb and soft, off-road downhill, and it was awesome. Once I got to 8/9, I was actually in sight of the other competitors. In the end, I was too far behind, but they all thought I looked really fresh, sprinting the last few clicks.

Turns out I was only 15mins behind the winner, and it was mainly due to my idiotic decisions at the start and a few lay-overs where I tried to really figure out how to tackle what was essentially a trail-O. There was a young girl there who is the fastest skier in her age group in the province, and she couldn't believe this was my 4th time on skis. :) So I'd been worried about the skiing, but in the end it was my navigation that slowed me down, while my skiing went fantastically well!

This was my try-a-ski-O - next year, I am racing this thing for real!

--Distance: 13K
--Duration: 1:45:51


Gym Workout

Really lame quickie tonight, but I did beat my old push press pb, so there! Opted for a big leg lift, a big arm lift, and a therapeutic ankle/calf move.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(4) Deadlift: 165lbs / 165lbs / 165lbs
(10) Push Press: 50lbs / 60lbs / 50lbs
(10/side) 1 Legged Heel Raise: BW / BW / BW

--Duration: 18mins


Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu

Punching and kicking to focus mitts, reviewing kata defences from a kneeling position, randori.

Duration: 60mins

Gym Workout

Only had time for two rounds tonight. Tried to focus on the running rehab exercises.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(10) Front Squat: 80lbs / 80lbs / 80lbs
(5/side) Push-up w/ DB Row: 20lbs / 20lbs / 20lbs [killing me!]
(10) Alt. Knee Push-out w/ Band: 10 / 10 / 10
 -30secs REST
(10) Chin-ups: 5 @ BW - 5 w/ band / 3 @ BW - 7 w/ band / 3 @ BW - 7 w/ band
(10) Curtsy Lunge: 30lbs x2 / 35lbs x2 / 35lbs x2 [couldn't hang on to the 35s through the entire sets]
(10) SB Figure 8s: 10 / 10 / 10
-30secs REST

--Duration: 34mins


Toronto Triathon Club Swimming

Warm-up: 400m swim

10x 100m fins, on ... maybe 2:15? w/ getting out each time
I was dying on the first few, but keeping up with the two guys ahead. Then I seemed to have found my groove and could breathe a lot better. I started catching up to the guys. I don't know if I sped up or they slowed down; I wasn't watching the clock.

100m  fins easy
Practised my wide strokes - feeling better and better.

10x 50m fins, on 1:00 w/ getting out each time
I led this set, and there was so little time for rest! Started out at 0:40, but quickly dropped to ~0:45 to 0:50. I felt like I was barely scrambling out of the pool and diving back in. Just trying to tell myself to use the power of those fins by kicking, as I kept slacking off. The last one I brought back down to a solid 0:45.

150m fins easy

Treading water w/ arms above the head: 30secs / 15secs / 30secs

Wall Squat: maybe 2mins
The challenge was for us to focus hard on something else and get tough.

Cool-down: 150m easy

Had a blast during this class. I felt better as the night went on, and I could breathe easier and use the wider strokes more smoothly. I had nice lanemates too.  Yay!

--Distance: 2,300m
--Duration: 75 mins


Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(10) Push Press: 50lbs / 50lbs / 50lbs
(10/side) 1 Leg Squat: BW / BW / BW
(10) SB Figure 8s
-60secs REST
(10) Inverted Row: Rung 3 / Rung 3 / Rung 3
(10) O/H Cable Pull-Down @ Tall Kneel: 50lbs / 50lbs / 50lbs
(10) Glute-Ham-Raise: 30lbs DB / 30lbs DB / 35lbs plate
-60secs REST
(10) Front Squat: 80lbs
(10/side) Heel Raises: 1 Leg, BW
(10/side) Box Walkovers
-60secs REST

--Duration: 32mins

I wanted these in the order of 3 - 2 - 1, bu the squat rack was in use, so I kept deferring to other sets. Didn't have time to do more than one round of the 3rd group, or to do the glute/hamstring airplanes at the end. 

Seems I'm as strong as I was months ago when I did some of these last time, yay!

Workout Nutrition: 5g BCAAs w/ lemon juice (700mL)


X-Country Skiing

My last preparation before my ski-O race next weekend. This time decided to try the famous Hardwood Hills everyone talks about. I went with my friend CK, who had taken me skiing the last time, and with JL, who hadn't skied for a long time - I didn't want to take her to Highlands Nordic because I thought the beginners' loop there was kind of boring. This one was great - flat, but twisty and perfect for a warm-up.
Route Link

Our first loop was about 4.5K, at which point we stopped for a quick snack. I thought we'd advance to the next-hardest loop, but JL had picked up the moves so quickly again, she elected for the "green" loop, which is kind of moderate. That was the best - it took us all over the park and was challenging here and there. I started modulating my body weight on the turns and managing getting back into the classic track after a downhill. We had one crazy downhill that looked more like a ski jump ramp, but was actually only the lower half of something called the Terminator! We each took a minute staring down the slope but all went for it and survived.

Later on, we came to a crossroads, and while JL had gone on ahead, CK and I lagged a bit and continued, thinking we'd catch her up. We came to the top of an enormous downhill, but shrugged and went for it - this immediately turned into a second, then third huge downhill - it seemed impossible to stay on my feet at these speeds! But I even made it across an ice patch and stopped safely after this incredible descent. CK wasn't quite so lucky, but I was out-scoring him in wipe-outs so he was overdue!

What comes down, must come up... After a flat loop, we began to climb... and climb, and climb, and climb... and after I had basically exhausted my herring-bone abilities, we came to a sign announcing something ahead called the Stairway to Heaven! It was as steep as it sounds. The top was, of course, called Heaven.

We hadn't caught up to JL at all and were very confused. We finally found her waiting for us nearly at the end of this whole loop. We asked if she'd gone down "the huge hill," and she shrugged and said "yeah." Hmmm... We had another lunch, and then CK and I decided on one last quick loop before the park closed precisely at 5pm. We had 1hr to the minute, and opted for the shorter Red loop.

The first km was brutal for me; it had taken me 10mins to do it, and I was so exhausted I didn't think I'd get anywhere along this 8K loop in that timeframe. But suddenly the food kicked in, and I got my fightin' spirit back. We started running the course hard. We eventually made it back to the crossroads where we'd lost JL before. I suddenly realized that the Green loop was supposed to go left, not right! We'd accidentally skied a part of the Orange loop - the hardest one! Well, what we didn't know didn't kill us, haha. We opted to stick to Red/Green this time. I muscled through the rest of the course and finished at about 5:00:30, with CK a couple of minutes behind. Phew!

When JL heard about our screw-up, she said, "yeah that hill didn't seem so huge to me!" :)

Loop 1 - 4.5K
Loop 2 - 11.5K
Loop 3 - 8.5K (60mins)

--Distance: 24.5K
--Duration: ~4hrs on and off


Thomass UKR

Venue: Hinder Property, Toronto
Terrain: urban park, snowy or icy trails, some hills and ravines, residential streets
Weather: Sunny, around zero

This was a super-sprint on a brand new map. Not sure why they picked this part of the park and not Earl Bales to the south, which is much bigger and has a lot more hills to climb. The winning time was about 20mins, and about 30mins for me, so it was quite short.

To make people run a bit more than usual across this tiny park, the Thomass box included two barbell controls, which are linked so that if you do one of them, you must do the other before proceeding to the next one you want. The two barbells spanned the width of the park, so the course had us criss-crossing more than we would have without them, so at least there was that.

Once again, I ran the first few point-to-point controls just behind the crowd of elite men, which really strokes my ego! I strategized fairly well on the barbells, choosing to do a bottom control, then two hilltop ones, then back down. I did forget to take a particular trail, duh, so added a bit of time, oops. Towards the end, I chose what looked like a shorter street route, but I had to go down to a creek, so I got caught up by several runners from my club getting there another way, which cost me a top-10 finish. At the very end, I got confused by some guys yelling at the finish control, and I thought I was on the wrong side of a river, stopped, and got passed by a teammate. Couldn't catch her at the finish! :)

Preliminary result puts me in 13th place, which at least gets me a fair amount of points back in my overall standings. All-in-all a pretty day in the park, but I'm glad I didn't have to drive more than 20mins to get there for this sprint.

--Distance: 4.6K
--Duration: 32:14

Route Link


Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(6-8) Deadlift: 6 @ 150lbs / 7 @ 150lbs / 6 @ 150lbs
(5/side) Push-up w/ DB Row: 15lbs / 20lbs / 20lbs
(12) Alt. Knee Push-out w/ Band: 12 / 12 / 12
 -60secs REST
(10) Diagonal Cable Chop @ 1/2 Kneel: Setting 3 / Setting 4 / Setting 4
(10) Chin-ups: 3 @ BW - 7 w/ band / 3 @ BW - 7 w/ band / 2 @ BW - 8 w/ band
(10) Straight-Arm Cable Pull-down: Setting 3 / Setting 2 / Setting 3
-60secs REST
(10) Curtsy Lunge: 25lbs x2 / 35lbs x2 / 35lbs x2
(10) Plank w/ Arm Reach: 20 / 20 / 20
(10) Diagonal Plate Press: 25lbs / 25lbs / 25lbs
 -60secs REST

--Duration: 54mins


Gym Workout

A last-minute workout before the gym closed, but tried the Curtsy Lunge for my glute-mins suggested after my gait analysis.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(10) Front Squat: 75lbs / 80lbs / 85lbs
(10) DB Scaption: 8lbs / 10lbs / 8lbs
-60secs REST
(10) Chinups: 5 @ BW - 5 @ band / 3 @ BW - 7 @ band
(10) Curtsy Lunge: 20lbs x2 / 25lbs x2 [really love this one, can go higher]
(10) SB Front Roll-outs: 10 / 10
-60secs REST

--Duration: 25mins

Workout Nutrition: 5g BCAAs with lemon juice (600mL)


Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu

Some basic to advanced strikes, kicks and blocks and combination drills; weapons kata review; advanced chokes and applications; 32 kyushu points.

--Duration: 60mins

Running Gait Analysis

I won this analysis during a talk on Injury Prevention for Triathletes with Dr. Jaclyn Kissel of Absolute Endurance. I was so excited! I've been trying to educate myself on how my body really functions and how to treat it well and not be as reckless as I've been in the past.

The process essentially involves being put on a treadmill at a comfortable running pace (for me 10kph) and getting videotaped from the back and side for a few minutes. Then the video is analyzed, problems are identified, and appropriate exercises are assigned to correct the poor running form.

I had told Dr. Kissel that I'd only ever been on a treadmill once in my life (for another type of analysis) and I was in a complete panic the whole time that I would fly right off it. I think I was actually in tears. She couldn't believe it and just laughed. But she did start me off slow and made sure I was relaxed before ramping up the speed. I have to say most of the time I was focusing on relaxing!

She started videotaping after a few minutes, and she explained that even though it's a bit artificial on a treadmill, even like this there are many problems that become very apparent. Here were the concerns about me:

Back Analysis:
- My knees buckle waaaay inward with each stride due to weak glute-mins not abducting my legs
- This also causes me to strike with the inside of my feet
- My pelvis is really uneven, as the glute-mins are not keeping me level

Side Analysis:
- I heel-strike, where I should be striking with the mid-foot (metatarsal region)
- I don't kick back high enough and need more Running Cs
- I'm a bit too upright and need to lean slightly forward to let gravity work for me
- I don't raise my legs up high enough and need to open up my stride

Good points:
- My arms move really well
- I'm very steady in the upper body

- Running ABCs (another review, every single one helps to get these down)
- Wall Knee-Drives: lean against a wall with arms outstretched and drive the knees towards it (like a semi-vertical mountain climber), 20secs fast
3x 12 reps:
- Airplanes: standing on one leg, rotate the hips using the glutes - could not activate the glute-mins with this!
- Hip Hikes: standing on one leg, raise the hip straight up and drop it without rotation
- Band Squat: with a band around the legs, push one knee out at a time, maintaining full foot contact
- One-Legged Squat: activating the glute-mins to keep the knee from buckling inward
- Alt. Curtsy Lunges: do a curtsy, taking one knee almost to the ground, avoid hip rotation - loved this one!
- Ankle Leans: leaning slightly forward through the ankles, like MJ

What to work on during running (one at a time over 6-8 weeks):
- Mid-Foot strike
- Spread the legs using the glute-mins
- Lean forward at the ankles

I've been getting so much analysis lately, I'm so thrilled to work on all this stuff.


Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Missed the warm-up, as I lost track of time at a friend's little b-day get-together. But I was fuelled by peanuts and beer.

8x 100m fins w/ boards on 2:00
Did about 1:45s

800m + 350m  fins w/ bands and paddles [supposed to be 2x 800m]
- had to keep shimmying the band higher up on my calves to get anywhere without sinking

--Distance: 1,950m
--Duration: 55mins

Workout Nutrition: 5g BCAAs w/ lemon juice, 600mL

Chiropractic Treatment

Adjustments to my dysfunctional foot joints and ankle joints, and ART on my calf and shin muscles to take the pressure off my feet.  I had a substitute intern today, so the soft tissue work was a bit light.  Most soreness in medial calf again.  SI joint adjustment as well, but only required on the left side.

Foam rolling on my calf muscles, with medial calf giving me problems.
Also went on the vibrating machine again, wheeee!

Finally, squats on a Wobble Board, which will improve the proprioception in my weak ankle joints.
20 squats @ BW.  Felt great!


XSNRG Running Club

Missed the warm-up run-in and regretted it pretty quickly when I got hit with my usual cramps. What was strange tonight was that it happened again after another number of laps. I was quite shocked, as these cramps have never come back in the same running session. So I was not only in extreme pain, but also really nervous about it.

Loops: 700m
10x 2mins w/ 1min rest

I was generally run-walking a bit less than 1 loop per 2mins, but had to walk through, not one, but two of the intervals because of my cramps. So I could only do 8 loops.

--Distance 5.8K
--Duration: 35mins

Workout Nutrition: 5g BCAAs w/ lemon juice, 600mL (before and after)


Triathlon Bike Fitting

Finally went in to get my new bike adjusted, with Aubrey Bryce of Enduro Training Systems, who was recommended by the lady whose bike I bought. The fitting was really informative, with Aubrey explaining all the geometry behind his adjustments. I think I can sum up the process with two goals in mind: my comfort, and maximizing my power transfer to the bike.

Here's a quick comparison of the change in body position from this fitting:

Cleat adjustment:
- AB measured an angle that my feet naturally hang down at, which is inward on both feet, with the left being even more inward than the right. So he had to shim each of my cleats to correct for this angle, so that all my downward force would go straight to the pedals.
- He then moved my cleats forward on my shoe so that my metatarsal region (wide part of the foot) would sit directly above the pedal crank, again for maximum power transfer.
- Finally, he moved the cleats sideways so that there would be a straight line between my knee and my second toe, all for the same reason. He used a laser to see the line.
- Unfortunately it seems that my shoes themselves are too tight. They seem comfortable just on, but they numb my feet after a short time of riding, as I compress my feet on the pedals thereby widening my feet in the shoes. Will need to replace these hand-me-downs after all.

Seat adjustment:
- He used a bike goniometer to measure the angle of my knee and found that I'm really scrunched, so that my foot doesn't start to push the pedal with most force until it's down to about 3 o'clock. So he adjusted the seat up and back to open up the angle and allow my leg to start pushing at about 1 o'clock.
- He did assess the fact that my bum needs a wider seat: I have a size 143, and I should measure the width of my sit bones to see what size I should get (145, 155...)

Front adjustment:
- He realized that my angles were really good after the rear adjustment, so he did not change anything in the frame.
- He just corrected me to pushing my arms back a bit on the rests, so that I'm on my upper forearms instead of my elbows.
- The aero bars are a bit long for me, but unfortunately are only adjustable side-to-side, not forward-and-back, so I would need to get them replaced. But that is the last thing on the list behind shoes and saddle, as I can ride well as is, just a bit inconvenienced by pushing up to shift. He cautioned me not to let a bike shop try to shorten the stem to fix the problem, as that would mess up my overall geometry.
- AB did say that as I get more comfortable with riding this bike, he would like to get rid of a few of the stem spacers and drop me down into a more aggressive position.

So here is the BEFORE picture, from December 2011:

And here is the AFTER picture!
My back is now straight and no longer scrunched into a round ball. It was also much easier to pedal without kicking myself in the chest, haha. We'll see how it turns out on a real ride.

Trail Run

Venue: Rouge River valley
Terrain: snowy trail, some road, hills, train tracks!
Weather: Sunny and -5 to -10 or so, ankle-deep powder snow

A slightly longer training run for the Giant's Rib Raid, with one of my two teammates, CK. I needed to be in the area for a bike fitting in the afternoon, and he was able to find us this sweet trail system, albeit with a quick jump through the bush in between two northern sections.

I came up with the idea of running on a train bridge to kill three birds with one stone: avoiding two railway crossings and one river crossing, as well as not having to bushwhack. I am nearly paralytically afraid of trains, but I mustered the courage to run across - anything to save time and distance when you're an orienteer, haha.

The terrain was overall flatter than last week and easier on the footing.  Only a few climbs in and our of the river valleys. Although we did have one Raid-worthy 60ft climb up over a cliff in slippery snow. The challenge was that the powder snow had ice underneath, so I was sliding around all over the place. CK had his O-cleats, and I tried to keep up as best as I could. But I felt pretty good. I thought we made good time.

And the park really is beautiful, especially covered in snow. Lots of really nice walkers as well, cheering us on as they made way for us to zip by.

My legs did feel like jello after about 30mins though, and didn't recover until mid-week.

Workout Nutrition: 1 Powergel split in two, and very little of my BCAAs water, as my Camelbak tube froze and I had to hide it in the pack to thaw it out. I survived pretty well without this stuff, but was obviously held back somewhat.

--Distance: 18.6K
--Duration: 2:22

Route Link


Measurement Day

Pretty much the same!


Hit the pool after the gym to loosen up for tomorrow's big run.  Not much time, so I did some easy-to-harder 100s.  Felt really good to apply the wider stroke technique.  Still feels weak, but much smoother than before.  I also focused on rolling a lot.

8x 100yds swim

--Distance: 730m
--Duration: 20mins

Gym Workout - LE Mod. Phase 7

All out of order tonight, the gym was full to the gills.  Back at the regular gym.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(10) Front Squat: 70lbs / 80lbs [no squat rack, but buddy helped me lift the thing up to my chest for 80]
(10/side) Heel Raises: 1 Leg / 1 Leg [can add weight next time]
(10) Inverted Row: Rung 4 [too easy, but couldn't upgrade as the machine became busy]
-60secs REST
(6-8) Deadlift: 8 @ 145lbs / 6 @ 150lbs / 6 @ 155lbs
(10) Alt. DB Floor press: 20lbs / 25lbs / 25lbs [should go to 30lbs]
-60secs REST
(10/side) Front Lunge: 30lbs x2 / 40lbs x2
(10) SHELC: 2 Legs / 1 Leg
(10) Double Cable rope rows x2 [did not get to this as rack was busy]
-60secs REST

--Duration: 42mins

Workout Nutrition: 5g BCAAs with lemon juice (600mL)

The same buddy who helped me with the squat barbell also asked me about deadlifts.  He's new to them and is lifting frankly a bit less than I am, but I told him to go easy till he learns the proper technique.  I mentioned the low cable pull as a good practise tool for the DL.


Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu

A lot of review tonight, a nice slow class.

Basic strikes and kicks, first five kata review with a few pointers, flexible weapons as an offensive tool, review of the ways of turning an opponent over onto the face.

--Duration: 60mins

Gym Workout - LE Mod. Phase 7

Didn't plan this one, so it was a mix-and-match of last week and a couple of other things thrown in.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set

(6-8) Deadlift: 140lbs for 8 / 140lbs for 8 / 145lbs for 8
(10/side) Push-ups with Alt. 3-Pt. DB Row: 12lbs / 12lbs / 12lbs
-60secs REST
(10) Chin-ups: 3 @ BW - 7 @ band / 4 @ BW - 6 @ band
(10) Cable Pull-back (Swim stroke finish): 7.5lbs / 12.5lbs [need to switch up this one, as I would need an intermediate weight on the cable]
(10) Bent-over Rear Delt Fly: 5lbs x2 / 8lbs x2
-60secs REST
(10) Front Squat: 60lbs / 70lbs [finally used the Squat Rack! Use 80lbs next time]
(10) DB Scaption: 10lbs x2 / 8lbs x2
(10) Glute-Ham Raise: 25lbs plate / 30lbs DB
-60secs REST

-- Duration: 40mins.

Workout Drink: 5g BCAAs with organic lemon juice (700ml)


Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Got a new bathing suit right before the class, as the old one suddenly went threadbare.  Down to a size 34 from a 38 a year ago. :)  Speedo Endurance+ - a polyester suit that promises to last "20 times longer" (than lycra??)  We shall see.

Warm-Up Drills:
100m Sculling
50m  Double-Arm Backstroke

Then Coach pulled us aside to fix our technique on our Drills:
50m Sculling
25m Sculling w/ 3 positions (25m swim)
50m Double-Arm Backstroke
50m Switch-Glide

400m Snorkel [should be 500m] - I got water into it every length, and couldn't blow it out

400m Pull w/ Paddles / 400m / 50m [should be 4x 400m]

Cool-Down: 200m

--Distance: 1,800m
--Duration: 75mins


Injury Prevention Clinic at Absolute Endurance

Organized by the Toronto Triathlon Club and presented by DC Jaclyn Kissel of Absolute Endurance, it was a theory and practical clinic on preventing injuries for triathletes.

Types of Injuries:
- Acute, sudden impact
- Chronic, repetitive strain

- Shoulder strain from not rolling the body
- Neck strain also from not rolling and having to reach more to breathe

- Tightness of the hip flexors
- Posture strain from an improperly fitted bike
- Groin pain and numbness resulting from uncomfortable seat or one with no slits
- Neck strain from looking up from aero

- plantar fasciitis from heel-striking and improper shoes
- Achilles tendinitis from switching to flats too soon, with most strain downhill
- calf strains, knee strain
- IT band syndrome from weak glute-mins that don't abduct the hip outward, causing the knee to collapse and strain the IT band
- weak hamstrings

- proper equipment
- dynamic stretching prior to exercise, including running ABCs
- static stretching only after exercise
- strengthening of supporting muscles, core
- proper nutrition
- therapy: adjustment, soft tissue

Dynamic Stretches:
- running ABCs, pulling knee up to chest
- lunges with opposite arm pulling across
- leg swings forward and back, leg swings side to side (pendulum), leg "blocks"
- arm circles
- camel/cat stretch
- dynamic calf stretch back and forth
- "flying" hip rotation

Static Stretches:
- chest stretch with arm against the wall
- arm pulled across chest (shoulders down)
- static calf stretch
- glute side stretch by stepping one foot over the other and leaning
- piriformis stretch by bending one leg on the ground and leaning the body onto it with the other knee down

And at the end of it all, I won a free Run Gait Analysis with Dr. Kissel!

XSNRG Running Club

Sunnydene Ladders:

Each loop: ~440m w/ hill

Warm-up: 3 loops + ABCs and pick-ups for 1 loop

1 Loop / 2mins rest / 2 Loops / 2mins rest / 3 Loops / 2mins rest / 2 Loops
(should have been 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, but I had a clinic to go to, so I cut it short)

1:49 / 3:43 / 5:38 / ~3:45 - which is extremely consistent, for 1:49 to 1:53 per loop
I have been avoiding looking at my watch during the intervals and just trying to develop my pace on my own, and I'm doing very well.

The times for the 2-loops and 3-loop are 10-15secs faster than in late November, although at that time, we ran the loop in the opposite direction, starting with a steep uphill and going into a gentler downhill.  That could influence this difference.

--Distance: 5.3K
--Duration: 30mins

Route Link


Chiropractic Treatment

Adjustments to my dysfunctional foot joints and ankle joints, and ART on my calf and shin muscles to take the pressure off my feet.  Most soreness in medial calf again, and just under the knee.

Foam rolling on my calf muscles, which was much improved this week.

Finally, squats on a Wobble Board, which will improve the proprioception in my weak ankle joints.
20 squats @ BW.  I did really well today, only touching down to the ground a couple of times.  Feeling really strong and balanced.


Raid Training Run

Met up with one of my two teammates for the Giant's Rib Raid for our first team trail run.  We are both very cognizant of not straining our bodies too soon, so we decided on ~15K.  My roomie wanted to go up to visit his parents, and since the Bruce Trail runs next to their property, we had ourselves a venue!

Terrain: Field, forest, rocks, trail, road, snow and ice
Weather: Overcast but warm at just under zero

The first part of the run was in shin-deep snow, and I realized that I have lost my deep-snow conditioning, having just been running on flat roads for months.  I was quite a bit behind CK, struggling to lift my legs up.  Once we got onto the forested trail, speed was a bit less of an issue.  We took turns leading so that I could get a bit of a break but so that he could set the faster pace.  I think that is good team strategy.  He also had the advantage of orienteering shoes, so he attacked the icy trail, while I had to be more cautious, especially running along the cliff of the Escarpment.  The trail was just beautiful, a really great choice.

What would orienteering be without getting lost?  We were chatting and got off trail and onto a road too soon, so we had to do the loop we planned backwards, haha.  At least our intuition told us that we were not where we were supposed to be!  The road run was nice, even if we had a very long uphill.  Then back down towards Noisy River on the Bruce trail, which was a 3min 1K dash!  Then some country roads to go back home.  I thought it would take us at least 2hrs, but we finished in 1:49, yay!

Workout Nutrition: BCAAs with lemon in the Camelback (600mL), 1 Clif gel at 1hr (will probably need more)

What followed was a lot of good team-talk about how we want to manage our race and our different paces and abilities.  Can't wait to run with the whole team.

--Distance: 14.3K
--Duration: 1:49:00

Route Link


Gym Workout - LE Mod. Phase 7

New gym at L'Amoreaux RC - a bit out of the way, but worth it for all the space and equipment.  Will be coming here once per week before Jiu-Jitsu class, which is also uptown.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set / 4th set

(6-8) Rear-elev. Split Squat: 40lbs x2 for 8 / 45lbs x2 for 6 / 45lbs x2 for 6
(10) 3-Pt. Row @ 1/2 Plank: 25lbs / 30lbs / 25lbs

-60secs REST
(10) Chin-ups: 3 @ BW - 7 @ band / 3 @ BW - 4 @ band - 3 @ band
(10) O/H Cable Pull-down @ Tall Kneel: 50lbs / 50lbs
(10) Bent-over Rear Delt Fly: 5lbs x2 / 8lbs x2
-60secs REST
(10) Front Squat: 60lbs / 70lbs
(10) DB Scaption: 8lbs x2 / 10lbs x2
(10) Glute-Ham Raise: 25lbs plate / 25lbs plate
-60secs REST

-- Duration: 35mins.

Workout Drink: 5g BCAAs with organic lemon juice (700ml)

Oops, was supposed to do 12's of the two last groupings! 


Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

The 1,500m time trial has come around again!  Last time was the middle of December, when I was actually swimming twice a week.  Previous best: 33:25.

Warm-up: only 150m for me

1,500m - 33:57 (might have to subtract 2mins from that, as I think I lost count in the teens and might have had us do an extra two lengths!)

I was asked to lead my lane, which was cool.  Me and one other guy basically swam together the whole way, while our third lanemate trailed a bit.  I got myself all exhausted trying to stay in a comfortable lead, and I always thought that my buddy was right behind me.  I finally let him switch and lead around 28 lengths.  What a difference drafting makes!  I instantly had a nice easy swim after that.  Then it was his turn to switch back around 44, and I brought us home to 60 (or 62, since all our times were off!) We told ourselves that if we suck right now, at least we'll look faster in April!

100m sculling w/ three hand positions
2x 100m finger drag
2x 100m counting strokes (23/21/23/21 and 23/22/22/21) - apparently I have really short strokes and need to extend much more!

--Distance: 2,150m
--Duration: 75mins

Chiropractic Treatment

My weekly appointment at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College clinic, with a 4th year intern, supervised by a clinician, who is a foot specialist.

Adjustments to my dysfunctional foot joints and ankle joints, and ART on my calf and shin muscles to take the pressure off my feet.  Most soreness in medial calf.

Foam rolling on my calf muscles, with worst being the medial section, although was much better on the second pass.  Then I got put on a stand-up vibrating machine to loosen up all my muscles (5mins.)

Finally, squats on a Wobble Board, which will improve the proprioception in my weak ankle joints.
20 squats @ BW.