Sports pictured: X-Country Skiing, Orienteering, Beach Volleyball, Triathlon (Running), Soldiers of Fitness (Tire Flips)
How Can You Find Me on Race Result Sites?
Barbara Goss
Whom Am I Competing Against?
Women Who Are 31 (okay, I'll compete against anyone!)
Where Do I Train?
Toronto, Canada - mostly along the Don Valley
What Sports Am I Into?
The growing list is at All My Sports
What Is That Background Photo?
Satellite image of the Dundas Valley Conservation Area in Hamilton, ON
Do I Do Anything Else with My Life?
Sculpture and Installation Art
Truths about me:
I am an eating machine
Sweat is a hair-styling product
My eyes are rarely seen through my sunglasses
There is no off-season
I never leave the house without my fork
Running on a treadmill terrifies me and puts me to tears
I've made some wonderful friends carpooling to events - wanna be my friend?