
Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(10) Push Press: 50lbs / 50lbs / 50lbs
(10/side) 1 Leg Squat: BW / BW / BW
(10) SB Figure 8s
-60secs REST
(10) Inverted Row: Rung 3 / Rung 3 / Rung 3
(10) O/H Cable Pull-Down @ Tall Kneel: 50lbs / 50lbs / 50lbs
(10) Glute-Ham-Raise: 30lbs DB / 30lbs DB / 35lbs plate
-60secs REST
(10) Front Squat: 80lbs
(10/side) Heel Raises: 1 Leg, BW
(10/side) Box Walkovers
-60secs REST

--Duration: 32mins

I wanted these in the order of 3 - 2 - 1, bu the squat rack was in use, so I kept deferring to other sets. Didn't have time to do more than one round of the 3rd group, or to do the glute/hamstring airplanes at the end. 

Seems I'm as strong as I was months ago when I did some of these last time, yay!

Workout Nutrition: 5g BCAAs w/ lemon juice (700mL)

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