Organized by the Toronto Triathlon Club and presented by DC Jaclyn Kissel of Absolute Endurance, it was a theory and practical clinic on preventing injuries for triathletes.
Types of Injuries:
- Acute, sudden impact
- Chronic, repetitive strain
- Shoulder strain from not rolling the body
- Neck strain also from not rolling and having to reach more to breathe
- Tightness of the hip flexors
- Posture strain from an improperly fitted bike
- Groin pain and numbness resulting from uncomfortable seat or one with no slits
- Neck strain from looking up from aero
- plantar fasciitis from heel-striking and improper shoes
- Achilles tendinitis from switching to flats too soon, with most strain downhill
- calf strains, knee strain
- IT band syndrome from weak glute-mins that don't abduct the hip outward, causing the knee to collapse and strain the IT band
- weak hamstrings
- proper equipment
- dynamic stretching prior to exercise, including running ABCs
- static stretching only after exercise
- strengthening of supporting muscles, core
- proper nutrition
- therapy: adjustment, soft tissue
Dynamic Stretches:
- running ABCs, pulling knee up to chest
- lunges with opposite arm pulling across
- leg swings forward and back, leg swings side to side (pendulum), leg "blocks"
- arm circles
- camel/cat stretch
- dynamic calf stretch back and forth
- "flying" hip rotation
Static Stretches:
- chest stretch with arm against the wall
- arm pulled across chest (shoulders down)
- static calf stretch
- glute side stretch by stepping one foot over the other and leaning
- piriformis stretch by bending one leg on the ground and leaning the body onto it with the other knee down
And at the end of it all, I won a free Run Gait Analysis with Dr. Kissel!
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