
XC Skiing

CB had a fantastic idea for relaxing after the O-Cup event: bring our skis and go for a glide around the park, which has plenty of ungroomed trails to choose from. After all controls were picked up and supplies packed away (and all competitors accounted for!), we headed out for a short and relaxing ski.

Despite the fact that I had a carload of highly detailed park maps left, neither of us thought of bringing one with us, so we just skied by memory and sense of smell. The snow conditions were really great, but we had to make our own tracks, which was quite hard. I led for one short section but was just too tired, so CB took over. I have yet to ski on real glidy tracks this season!

We didn't get very far before the sun started going down, but it was so nice just to shuffle along, say hello to all the dog walkers, other skiers, and the many many horseback riders all over the park. The perfect activity after a hectic few days.

--Distance: 6.7km
--Duration: a couple of hours maybe
--Route Link: (approximate)

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