
Chiropractic Treatment

This was a cool session at Athlete's Care. We did some functional exercises, which showed me just how much I was overloading my hamstrings because my glutes are so weak.

I did a mini-squat standing on one leg on a small book, and my bad hamstring burned. My butt was doing nothing. Even my good side is really weak. So then KD had me do some half-squats facing the wall so that my knees wouldn't go forward; still didn't activate the glutes. Then he had me do some bridges by squeezing my butt and relaxing my hamstrings - I eventually got it right. Here are the exercises I'll be doing for the next week:

- walking sideways and forward/back with a band around my knees, pushing the knees out
- doing half-squats with the band around, making sure my back is straight and my glutes are firing
- doing the half-squats against the wall
- the glute bridges, with taps to the muscles to activate them, on the floor, off a couch, off a ball (if I'm ready)

Apparently my brain has forgotten that I have glutes and needs to be retrained to make me use them. Otherwise I'll just keep loading my hamstrings and destroying them.

We also did more acupuncture on the butt muscles and a bunch of ART. and then KD brought out this crazy tool that looks like a video game knife-weapon, which he scraped my skin with to release the skin from the fascia and loosen the muscles.

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