
Pool Swimming

200m kick w/ fins
200m pull w/ paddles
4x 50m swim w/ fins and paddles, descending, 0:20 R
0:40 / 0:41 / 0:39 / 0:38
4x 50m swim, descending, 0:20 R
0:54 / 0:53 / 0:51 / 0:49

4x 100m on 2:05
1x 400m on 8:40
200m easy pull (second was 150m)
1:50 / 1:54 / 1:56 / 1:58 / 8:17
1:55 / 1:58 / 2:02 / 2:03 / 8:14
The first round nearly killed me. I finished the 400 totally delirious and out of breath. I decided to treat the second round like an endurance set, which is what it was, and only gave myself a few seconds of rest after easier reps. Et voila - a faster swim on the 400!

--Distance: 2,750m
--Duration: 65mins

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