
Pool Swimming

50m DSP, 22 / 21

4x 50m on 1:15
0:52 for each, nice holding pace! And felt leisurley

15x 100m, should have dropped by 5secs on 5x / 4x / 3x / 2x / 1x, but I missed the memo, thought it was every 5x. So expected to do 2:05 / 2:00 / 1:55
1:45 / 1:51 / 1:52 / 1:53 / 1:54 / 1:55 / 1:55 / 1:55 / 1:54 / 1:58 / 2:00 - at this point I was quite off the team's pace, so I got moved to another lane, where a solo swimmer was on 2:20 pace. Did 3 more there:
1:49 / 1:50 / 1:45 - so was able to get down to my starting speed with a lot more rest.

50m easy

400m TT
7:45 - a seasonal best, baby!
I told my lanemate I'd be lucky to hold 2mins, but I ran out at 1:50, oops. Held 2:00 for the next two, and then kicked it 1:45 on the last 100. Sweet. Still 7 more seconds to my best last year.

4x 50m kicks on 0:60, did them all 0:45
50m pull w/paddles
1x killer 50

--Distance: 2,500m
--Duration: 60m

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