
Pool Swimming

Warm-up: 2x 100m pull w/ paddles

3x 100m kick w/ fins on 2:10
2x 100m kick w/ fins on 2:00
1x 100m kick w/ fins
1:34 on the first one, 1:40 on the middle ones, ended with 1:37
I'm super fast on fins.

3x 100m w/ fins and paddles on 2:10
2x 100m w/ fins and paddles on 2:00
1x 100m w/ fins and paddles
Mostly held about 1:30
A bit relatively slower now that I had to use my arms.

3x 200m on about 4:30
2x 200m
Held between 4:03 and 4:05
Felt much smoother after all the sprints

2x 25m hypoxic

--Distance: 2,450m
--Duration: 65mins

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