
Pool Swimming

I had a tummy bug late yesterday and hadn't been able to eat almost anything leading up to this swim. I knew about the 1,500m TT, so I packed a gel and some salt pills in case I wouldn't be able to eat well during the day. I managed to get through a sandwich and some berries. I also had to nap for a few hours on the couch at work because I was so woozy. Hope it goes away soon.

I took one Gu Roctane and two Endurolyte pills before this workout. I'm sure they kept me reasonably alive.

50m easy
200m kick w/ fins
200m pull w/ paddles
200m @ 1,500m goal pace (2:00)

1,500m TT
I was doing about 2:00-2:05 for a long while, especially with some lane shuffling and drafting. Once we got sorted out, I was able to actually hold 2:00 for the last 500m. I'm totally shocked. Getting very close to my sub-30 goal.

2x 100m fast, 1min RI
1:50 / 1:55

4x 50m fast, 1min RI, hold faster than 100
0:52 / 0:51 / 0:51 / 0:49

50m easy

--Distance: 2,600m
--Duration: 70mins


  1. I remember having some awesome results (not specifically swimming) coming off being sick. I felt so much more focused and connected...

    Nice swim times. I'll avoid swimming with you as I will get my ass rightfully kicked!

  2. There's something I can kick your ass at? Sign me up.

    1. Ha ha :-) ... swimming and skiing, and movie quotes, at the very least :-)
