
Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu

Tekube o-sae
Use momentum from stepping back to generate kuzushi
Apply 90 +1 for easier shoulder torque - although hard for me to hold the arm forward out like that with control
Kaiten nage
Kaiten nage from Sempu

Feeling pretty "on" tonight. Maybe because of the relaxed atmosphere with everyone being short on time.

--Duration: 30mins


Pool Swimming

I had a tummy bug late yesterday and hadn't been able to eat almost anything leading up to this swim. I knew about the 1,500m TT, so I packed a gel and some salt pills in case I wouldn't be able to eat well during the day. I managed to get through a sandwich and some berries. I also had to nap for a few hours on the couch at work because I was so woozy. Hope it goes away soon.

I took one Gu Roctane and two Endurolyte pills before this workout. I'm sure they kept me reasonably alive.

50m easy
200m kick w/ fins
200m pull w/ paddles
200m @ 1,500m goal pace (2:00)

1,500m TT
I was doing about 2:00-2:05 for a long while, especially with some lane shuffling and drafting. Once we got sorted out, I was able to actually hold 2:00 for the last 500m. I'm totally shocked. Getting very close to my sub-30 goal.

2x 100m fast, 1min RI
1:50 / 1:55

4x 50m fast, 1min RI, hold faster than 100
0:52 / 0:51 / 0:51 / 0:49

50m easy

--Distance: 2,600m
--Duration: 70mins

Chiropractic Treatment

This was a cool session at Athlete's Care. We did some functional exercises, which showed me just how much I was overloading my hamstrings because my glutes are so weak.

I did a mini-squat standing on one leg on a small book, and my bad hamstring burned. My butt was doing nothing. Even my good side is really weak. So then KD had me do some half-squats facing the wall so that my knees wouldn't go forward; still didn't activate the glutes. Then he had me do some bridges by squeezing my butt and relaxing my hamstrings - I eventually got it right. Here are the exercises I'll be doing for the next week:

- walking sideways and forward/back with a band around my knees, pushing the knees out
- doing half-squats with the band around, making sure my back is straight and my glutes are firing
- doing the half-squats against the wall
- the glute bridges, with taps to the muscles to activate them, on the floor, off a couch, off a ball (if I'm ready)

Apparently my brain has forgotten that I have glutes and needs to be retrained to make me use them. Otherwise I'll just keep loading my hamstrings and destroying them.

We also did more acupuncture on the butt muscles and a bunch of ART. and then KD brought out this crazy tool that looks like a video game knife-weapon, which he scraped my skin with to release the skin from the fascia and loosen the muscles.


Pool Swimming

Came in quite late in the middle of a set of long repeats with 30secs RI.

150m easy

4x 100m
2:00 / 1:57 / 1:54 / 1:53 [finally started relaxing and getting faster here]

2x 200m
3:45 / 4:03 [no idea how this discrepancy happened, but the clock doesn't lie]

4x 50m ascending, R 0:20
0:50 / 0:53 / 0:57 / 1:00

--Distance: 1,750m
--Duration: 50mins


X-Country Skiing Lesson - Flats

It's two weeks before the Stars WAR, and CB and I thought we could use a tune-up of skills. We took an intermediate lesson at Hardwood Hills in between training sessions.

Our lovely instructor Martina took us to the flat track training area and had us do a series of laps focusing on various aspects of technique. Here is the good and the bad:

- Had to work more on subtle weight transfer from foot to foot, keeping head over the relevant ski
- Kick forward more to slide into the snow with the boot in line or just ahead of the other boot
- Avoid flopping the ski down and making noise
- I have good lift from the back foot and am not afraid to get a little airborne
- My gliding forward is pretty good
- I was planting my pole "late", when it should be in time with the lead foot
- My front arm was not extended enough, and my pole was going in straight, putting on the breaks
- My rear arm was following through pretty well, but we were to add a final push against the strap of the pole, hands loose
- Generally my poles were all over the place, flailing about dangerously - I have to keep them in line with my body for max efficiency (and safety to others??)
- The big breakthrough came when Martina had us roll our shoulders slightly (like in swimming!), which not only extended our pole reach, but also greatly improved the weight transfer!
- We should always have a slight lean forward to carry the momentum
Double-poling: for when regular skiing would slow you down:
- lean forward and fall onto your poles
- use an ab crunch to complete the movement

This was a great lesson because it's so helpful to have a good eye watching all your mistakes you would not otherwise even know about. And we both finally got the straight dope on classic technique.

When we went back out to practise, it was the shoulder roll that really got me moving. I found that I had a hard time concentrating on all the leg techniques, but the poling basically took care of the legs, which fell in line. I did find that I could either extend my arm and get a good "catch", or start short and have that nice strap finish, but not usually both. I think I'm still starting the pole late, so I don't have much time to complete a nice full motion. So much like swimming.

Will be back for more next week. Need hill work.

--Duration: 45mins

X-Country Skiing

Route Link
A most beautiful day for skiing! Needed the practise for the Stars W.A.R. in a couple of weeks, so booked a technique lesson in addition to free time on the trails.

CB and I started out with a nice warm-up loop of the 12km Sochi loop. It didn't take long to get into the groove, especially since we were finally on groomed tracks, so much easier to try gliding on one foot. I was actually able to lead for a while. We finished loop one just in time for our lesson in 1:24.

The lesson was pretty awesome and worth every penny.

We had some limited time due to another talk I had scheduled from the tri club, so after a carb-loaded lunch we went out on the same intermediate Sochi loop. The poling technique that our instructor showed us did wonders for my efficiency. The shoulder rolling was the easiest part and immediately stabilized me. I realized after a while that I would either dig in with my pole nice and early on an outstretched arm and then finish short, or start short on a relaxed arm but use the strap-pushing motion to finish the push. I had to consciously dig in my pole at the correct time to be able to start far and finish all the way through.\

I'm sure I was more tired on the second time around, but I finished the 12km loop in 1:29, but most importantly, it didn't feel like a fight. I also got better at cornering and downhilling.

Wonderful day!

--Distance: 24.25km
--Duration: 2:53


Bodyweight Workout

One of my obstacle friends' other obstacle friend posted this thing on FB called the 365 Days of Fitness Challenge, which has a short list of typical "wod" exercises, and since I didn't have much time after the recovery run, I decided to throw it in right at home, in the order that I felt like.

Run/Walk 1 mile (done by virtue of 5km run)
25 burpees
25 sit-ups
25 push-ups
60 second wall sit
25 squats
20 lunges (10 per leg)

90secs plank
75 jumping jacks

60 second wall sit
30sec plank

--Duration: a bunch of minutes

Recovery Run

Under doctor's orders, I did a precisely 5km easy run to test out my damaged ass muscles. I focused heavily on proper running form, and I don't believe my heels ever touched the ground. Didn't really feel anything at the time, but maybe some glimmers of soreness afterwards. My calves were definitely dead at the end of it though.

--Distance: 5km
--Duration: 28:54


Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu

triple kick, low, medium, high
speed practise: chamber leg quickly over and over, then kick

okuri: double oi-zuki before the defense, breaks up rhythm
kaeshi: counter attack, no defense, step forward with oi-zuki

kihon chi - uke grabs rear leg, which I don't agree with

kata gatame - kesa variation with more control of the neck and less likelihood that they can get their arm through the loop; also variation up on one knee as with the tanto defense

belt as flexible weapon
- slashing attacks, pinwheel, helicopter...

--Duration: 45mins


Pool Swimming

200m kick w/ fins
200m pull w/ paddles
4x 50m swim w/ fins and paddles, descending, 0:20 R
0:40 / 0:41 / 0:39 / 0:38
4x 50m swim, descending, 0:20 R
0:54 / 0:53 / 0:51 / 0:49

4x 100m on 2:05
1x 400m on 8:40
200m easy pull (second was 150m)
1:50 / 1:54 / 1:56 / 1:58 / 8:17
1:55 / 1:58 / 2:02 / 2:03 / 8:14
The first round nearly killed me. I finished the 400 totally delirious and out of breath. I decided to treat the second round like an endurance set, which is what it was, and only gave myself a few seconds of rest after easier reps. Et voila - a faster swim on the 400!

--Distance: 2,750m
--Duration: 65mins


Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set

(10) DB Row @ Bench Plank: 25lbs / 30lbs (8, Bench) / 25lbs
(10) DB Bench Press: 2x 25lbs / 2x 30lbs / 2x 30lbs
(10) BB Deadlift: 110lbs / 120lbs / 125lbs
(10) DB Bent Lateral fly w/ external rotation: 7.5lbs x2 / 10lbs x2 / 10lbs x2

(10) Leg Press: 280lbs / 300lbs / 320lbs
(10) Ball Figure-8: BW / BW / BW 
(10) DB Bent-over Lateral Raise: 5lbs x2 / 7.5lbs x2 / 7.5lbs x2
(10/side) Diagonal Squat Press: 25lbs plate / 25lbs plate / 25lbs plate

(10) DB Curls: 2x 15lbs / 2x 20lbs (6) / 2x 15lbs
(10) Front Squat: 60lbs / 70lbs / 70lbs
(10/side) Low Box Walk-overs: BW / BW / BW
(10/side) Calf Raises: BW / BW / BW [pretty awesome when the heart rate is through the roof!]

--Duration: 65mins


Pool Swimming

200m kick w/ fins
200m pull w/ paddles
200m swim w/ fins and paddles

6x 100m on 2:10, trying to hold 1:55
1:44 / 1:51 / 1:52 / 1:54 / 1:56 / 1:55

50m easy

3x 200m on 4:20, trying to hold 4:00
3:51 / 3:52 / 3:55
These felt quite easy

50m easy

4x 50m on 1:00
3x 50m on 0:55
2x 50m on 0:50
1x 50m on 0:45
At least that was the plan!
Swam most at 0:55, but then just dropped closer to 1:00 just to finish

50m windmill (to show us how hard it is to swim while thrashing around) - tough on the shoulders and slow
50m 3Rs - Reach, Rhythm, Relaxation

--Distance: 2,500m
--Duration: 65mins


Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set / 4th set

(10) DB Row: 25lbs / 30lbs / 30lbs (8)
(10) DB Bench Press: 2x 25lbs / 2x 30lbs / 2x 30lbs
(10) Front Squat: 60lbs / 70lbs / 70lbs
(10/side) Alt. DB Straight Arm Raise: 10lbs / 10lbs / 10lbs

(10) Leg Press: 280lbs / 300lbs / 320lbs / 320lbs
(10/side) DB Anti-Rotation Chops: 20lbs / 20lbs / 20lbs / 20lbs
(10) BB Deadlift: 110lbs / 110lbs / 115lbs / 120lbs [went higher after finally giving up on pronated grip and switched to over-under]

(10) Push-ups: BW / BW
(10) Inverted Rows: BW / BW

--Duration: 57mins


Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set

(10/side, 8, 6) Cable Straight Arm Pulldown: Setting 3 / Setting 4 / Setting 5
(10) Cable Deadlift: Setting 15 / Setting 15 / Setting 15
(failure) Chin-ups: 3x1 / 1.25 / 1.5
(10) Leg Press: 280lbs / 300lbs / 320lbs

(10) DB Bench Press: 2x 20lbs / 2x 30lbs / 2x 30lbs
(10) Front Squat: 60lbs / 70lbs / 70lbs
(10/side) Russian Twist: 35lbs plate / 35lbs plate / 35lbs plate
(10/side) DB Sword Draw: 7.5lbs / 10lbs / 10lbs

(5/side) Push-up DB Rows: 10lbs / 10lbs
(10) BB Deadlift: 110lbs / 110lbs
(10) Ball Rollout: BW / BW
(10) Inverted Rows: BW / BW

--Duration: 45mins


Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu

Kihon ichi / ni / san / chi bonkai

Kumite with boxing gloves - at first no head shots, but we realized we were dropping our hands, so then all strikes and kicks were legal the second time around. Much better.

Blind joint lock sparring.

--Duration: 60mins


Pool Swimming

50m DSP, 22 / 21

4x 50m on 1:15
0:52 for each, nice holding pace! And felt leisurley

15x 100m, should have dropped by 5secs on 5x / 4x / 3x / 2x / 1x, but I missed the memo, thought it was every 5x. So expected to do 2:05 / 2:00 / 1:55
1:45 / 1:51 / 1:52 / 1:53 / 1:54 / 1:55 / 1:55 / 1:55 / 1:54 / 1:58 / 2:00 - at this point I was quite off the team's pace, so I got moved to another lane, where a solo swimmer was on 2:20 pace. Did 3 more there:
1:49 / 1:50 / 1:45 - so was able to get down to my starting speed with a lot more rest.

50m easy

400m TT
7:45 - a seasonal best, baby!
I told my lanemate I'd be lucky to hold 2mins, but I ran out at 1:50, oops. Held 2:00 for the next two, and then kicked it 1:45 on the last 100. Sweet. Still 7 more seconds to my best last year.

4x 50m kicks on 0:60, did them all 0:45
50m pull w/paddles
1x killer 50

--Distance: 2,500m
--Duration: 60m


Pool Swimming

50m easy

2x 100m kick w/ fins on 1:45
2x 100m pull w/ paddles on 1:45
2x 100m fins and paddles on 1:45
1:20? ish?
2x 100m swim on 1:45!
1:45 / 1:55

Coach got tough today and made us get into regimented teams with precise restarts and paces.

3x 100m on 2:10 / 2:00 / 1:50
1x 200m on 3:40
1:49 / 1:51 / 1:55 / 3:50
Look at these repeats!

3x 100m on 2:20 / 2:10 / 2:00
1x 200m on 4:00
1:51 / 1:53 / 1:55 / 3:55

3x 100m on 2:20 / 2:10 / 2:00
1x 200m on 4:00
1:51 / 1:55 / 1:56 / 4:02

3x killer 50s on 1:30
50secs each

Very happy with the speed today.

--Distance: 2,500m
--Duration: 65mins


Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set / 4th set

(10/side) DB Row: 25lbs / 25lbs / 25lbs
(10) DB Lateral Fly: 7.5lbs x2 / 7.5lbs x2 / 10lbs x2
(10) Front Squat: 60lbs / 60lbs / 70lbs
(10) DB Incline Press: 2x 20lbs / 2x 25lbs / 2x 25lbs

(10) Leg Press: 260lbs / 280lbs / 300lbs / 320lbs / 340lbs [I hesitate to call this a new PB, as it was very shaky. Sooooon.]
(10/side) Plank w/ Arm Extension: BW x4
(failure) Chin-ups from Dead Hang: only 3/4 of one each time, x4

--Duration: 30mins


Winter Ride

Since the weather is quite tropical this weekend and all the snow has melted, I decided to grab my bike and join the tri club's monthly winter ride through the city. I didn't have a pump though, so by the time I made it into the city and my tri shop, bought the pump, and was taught how to use it (I have deflated my tires the last time I tried to inflate them), it was quite late, so I rode the planned route backwards to try to catch the group on the way back.

It's a good thing I was late, because I'm told the group was really burning up Don Mills on the way out, and after four months off my bike, I needed some me-time to get reacquainted with my cleats and aero bars. I also still can't make left turns, which turned out to be a boon as it slowed me down even more. I crossed Yonge Street to take Yonge Blvd. up to Wilson, but just as I was going to take off, I saw a group of four cyclists coming down on an adjacent street. I waited for them on a hunch, and it was our group! They were taking a slightly different street back. Had I been more expedient, I would have missed them.

Since they were almost done, we stopped at a cafe for a chat, which was really nice. I was a bit more confident on the final ride back. I'm really glad I let myself have an easy ride on my own terms.

JH, my original tri bike mentor and winter ride leader, commented on how pleased he was that I was finally dressed for winter biking. Winter bib, booties, penguin gloves. I'm learning!

--Distance: 19km, don't laugh
--Duration: with or without stopping for coffee??


Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set / 4th set

(10/side) DB Row: 20lbs / 25lbs / 25lbs / 25lbs
(10) DB Press: 2x 20lbs / 2x 25lbs / 1x 50lbs BB / 2x 25lbs
(10) Front Squat: 60lbs / 60lbs / 70lbs / 70lbs (perfect form, what?)
(10/side) DB Straight Arm Raise: 10lbs / 10lbs / 10lbs / 10lbs

Short but sweet!

--Duration: 24mins


Pool Swimming

Warm-up: 2x 100m pull w/ paddles

3x 100m kick w/ fins on 2:10
2x 100m kick w/ fins on 2:00
1x 100m kick w/ fins
1:34 on the first one, 1:40 on the middle ones, ended with 1:37
I'm super fast on fins.

3x 100m w/ fins and paddles on 2:10
2x 100m w/ fins and paddles on 2:00
1x 100m w/ fins and paddles
Mostly held about 1:30
A bit relatively slower now that I had to use my arms.

3x 200m on about 4:30
2x 200m
Held between 4:03 and 4:05
Felt much smoother after all the sprints

2x 25m hypoxic

--Distance: 2,450m
--Duration: 65mins


Pool Swimming

First day back, and we had to strap on some fins and paddles for a strength workout. I still hate paddles, but with fins, I think I have discovered my one and only talent.

We did kicks with fins and boards, we did fins and paddles, pull with paddles... don't know if we got a regular set in. All I can say is I tore it up with the fins. I must have zero arm strength by comparison!

Also 2x 25m hypoxic, which I missed.

--Distance: no idea
--Duration: 70mins


XC Skiing

CB had a fantastic idea for relaxing after the O-Cup event: bring our skis and go for a glide around the park, which has plenty of ungroomed trails to choose from. After all controls were picked up and supplies packed away (and all competitors accounted for!), we headed out for a short and relaxing ski.

Despite the fact that I had a carload of highly detailed park maps left, neither of us thought of bringing one with us, so we just skied by memory and sense of smell. The snow conditions were really great, but we had to make our own tracks, which was quite hard. I led for one short section but was just too tired, so CB took over. I have yet to ski on real glidy tracks this season!

We didn't get very far before the sun started going down, but it was so nice just to shuffle along, say hello to all the dog walkers, other skiers, and the many many horseback riders all over the park. The perfect activity after a hectic few days.

--Distance: 6.7km
--Duration: a couple of hours maybe
--Route Link: (approximate)