
Pool Swimming

100m easy
100m, alt. 100% catch-up, 80% catch-up

Mostly able to maintain the new fluid stroke learned in the morning.

5x 100m on 2:20
4x 100m - all others 5secs down
3x 100m
2x 100m
1x 100m

This was a combined class with us joining the early folks, so it was quite crowded, and we lost track of our placing and pacing pretty quick. I ended up just swimming the 1,500 almost straight without much break after the first set. I don't know how fast I was going, but it was really smooth. Cutting through the water, just like Kyle said! If I'd lose the stroke, I'd try to refocus with what he said about the technique being more important than just hammering.

4x 25m hypoxic
I managed to do only 1 breath the entire time! The change to breathing out only right before breathing in is amazing. That coupled with the smooth stroke, and I got carried further so much more easily.

2x 150m Snake Race: lined up faster-to-slower, we did a continuous swim along the walls and lane ropes, with passing if needed. Very cool OW racing training, except I took a huge gulp of water in the first time around. Not so good in the middle of a race... Otherwise, I think I did a decent job.

--Distance: 2,100m
--Duration: 65mins

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