
Pool Swimming

This time, our temporary coach was Kyle Resnick from Absolute Endurance, and he took it upon himself to both identify problems with our stroke and give us a great speed workout.

200m easy
200m drill, 3secs drill / zipper drill*
200m, 25m fast/easy

* 3secs: lying on one side for 3secs and kicking - helps with rolling, reaching and kicking
Zipper: running the thumb up the side of the body to the shoulder - helps with keeping the arm/elbow up, not flying outward

Problems with my stroke: I still enter a bit over the centre line, and I could stand to roll more. I was told to roll from the hips not the upper body, which was a bit hard at first, but cool if I managed it.

The main set is a bit of a blur, but it was something like this:

100m  - set a pace, then add 0:15 to use as the pace for the next 3
I started with a kind of fast 2:00, so we had 2:15 to work with. Nuh-uh. Dropped to 2:30 soon for the 3x100m

I think we continued with sets of 100s (not sure) but had to drop 5secs each time.
4x 100m on 2:25
4x 100m on 2:20
4x 100m on 2:15 (all-out??)
I do remember dropping the swim pace by 5secs too.

Hard to remember what was after this!

--Distance: minimum 2,200m
--Duration: 65mins

Some people immediately saw speed results after they got stroke analysis from Kyle. I wish my body would respond better to instructions. I feel so clumsy and not at all in tune with what my arms and legs are doing. Thankfully, I won yet another freebie from AE last week - stroke analysis in their endless pool with Kyle himself. Maybe the mirrors will help!!

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