
Pool Swimming

Warm-up: 50m free / 50m back / 50m breast / 25m fly + 25m free

100m shark drill / 100m finger drag

<I've been thinking about this part for two days, and have no idea what we did at the beginning exactly. I know it was some 50s, that's it.>

5x 100m on 2:25 / 2:20 / 2:15 / 2:10 / 2:05
Held ~1:55

150m / 100m / 50m / 100m / 150m - hard, 10secs rest

4x 30secs wall kicks, 30secs rest - focusing on fast shallow kicks that will keep your butt out of the water

There were some 50 easy in there somewhere.

Our temporary coach Tim videotaped me to show me that I'm entering very early and losing a lot of pull. I guess I have to stretch out more.

He also explained to us that we should have relaxed fingers, not a cupped hand - a solid hand creates an air bubble and reduces the amount of water you pull. Relaxed open fingers actually create more surface area.

--Distance: minimum 1,450, probably ~1,700 (really no idea)
--Duration: 65mins

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