
Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(10) Curtsy Lunge: 30lbs x2 / 30lbs x2 / 35lbs x2
(10) Chin-ups: 4-6 / 4-6 / 4-6 [only the first set had 4 in a row, the others touched down after 3 and 2]
(20) Plank w/ Arm Reach: 20 / 20 / 20
 ---60secs REST
(10) Front Squat: 75lbs / 80lbs / 80lbs
(10) DB Bench Press: 20lbs x2 / 25lbs x2 / 30lbs x2
(10) Knee Abductions w/ Band: 10 / 10 / 10
---60secs REST

--Duration: 36mins

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