
Cycling Time Trial

Organized by the Toronto Triathlon Club at Absolute Endurance, this was to be a team CompuTrainer time trial on a ~20K hilly course, such as the one we did a couple of months ago. Unfortunately most people couldn't make it, so I was allowed to show up by myself later that night. I already don't much like riding a bike, I like it even less so indoors, but by myself was just suck.

I lasted 15K on a mostly downhill section of the "1/2 Ironman UK" course with a couple of other people in the room. It was extremely difficult for me to find the right gears, and my feet and groin were numb in minutes from my ill-fitting shoes and saddle. I know what needs to be taken care of next! But I made the most of it and pedaled as hard as I could. Just don't wanna have to do it by myself again.

--Distance: 15K
--Duration: 35mins??

Oh, and my poor bike got stuck in the trainer and had to spend the night at AE. At least she was surrounded by a whole lot of new bike-friends.

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