
Pool Swimming

100m zipper / catch-up
150m fast / easy
100m kick
100m pull

Tonight was an exercise in trying to intuitively feel your own speed. So we were to try to repeat the same effort each time and feel for how fast we had gone. I think.

100m - 1:51
Trying to hold the original speed, with 30secs breaks:
2x 100m - 1:54 / 1:59

Trying to hold the time for the last two 100s:  
200m - 4:10
Trying to hold the 200m speed, with 30secs breaks: 
2x 200m - 4:22 / 4:22

Trying to hold the time for the last two 200s:
400m - 8:52

Some of these times I just got traffic-jammed, but mostly I just swam really slowly!

4x 25m hypoxic, 45secs RI (0,0,0,0) - I wasn't feeling it, but I also wasn't about to give up my perfect record of the past few classes!

Supposed to do this before hypoxic but Coach confused the time a bit, oops!
5x 100m on ~2:08 (not really! kept adding 15secs, which we weren't supposed to)
1:53 / 1:58 / 2:00 / 2:04 / 2:05
Having just done the hypoxic, I actually felt amazing swimming these. I was obviously painfully slow, but I could breathe, and I kept racing the lane next to mine.

--Distance: 2,350m
--Duration: 65mins

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