
Pool Swimming

First session of the year with Coach KR, and I'm very glad we have him. Very technical. We are in phase one - building a technical foundation for longer swims later on. I'm slow and sad, but I believe hard work and lots of good instruction will lead to good results. I'm ready to work hard.

200m easy, 200m hard up - easy down (did 150m)
Distance-per-stroke: 25/25m, 23/25m after focus on roll and glide

4x 50m 3secs drill, 15secs RI - practise rolling: hard to transition
4x 100m on 2:25 [1:55 to 2:00]
4x 50m shaker drill, 15secs RI - practise high-elbow recovery that keeps muscles relaxed

200m TT: a poopy 3:57

Cool-down: 50m easy

--Distance: 1,450m
--Duration: 60mins

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps use that GoPro for some video analysis of your stroke, put in on a stick to get multiple angles and underwater! :-)
