
Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu

Just me and Sensei today.

The theme of the night was testing out what kind of control works best (pinning, strikes, joint manipulation, pain control) - for me, it's definitely pain control.

- close-range strike/blocks from kiba dachi
- baton inside and outside strikes
- soto-maki-komi: breaking down the foot work, must be very tight to the body
- Transfer from kesa katame to strikes to multiple targets (hard to do at speed, but good for target practise)
- randori

At the end of this class, Sensei said, "THAT was a black belt class."

--Duration: 60mins

p.s. This was also the day when I started to lose my toenail virginity. I'd been cultivating a pretty gross hemorrhagic big toe on the left foot since the downhills of the June Spartan races, but now that another nail is growing underneath, it's finally started to push the original nail up. Buoyed by the descents of the Tough Mudder and the hike at the Vermont Spartan Beast, the outer half of the nail has had enough. Houston, we have lift-off! I'm looking forward to at least 6 months of taping up my toe to keep it holding together...

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