
Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Coach was back today, with a vengeance!

Warm-up: 300m swim

Main Set:

20x 100m fins, with getting out of the pool each time
- 10 sets on 2:30
- 10 sets on 2:00

I opted to be last of three in the lane. Actually I think I got relatively faster as we went into the second set of 10, which seems to be usual for me. I would have a smooth first 50, then a much more haphazard second 50. I think I ended up drafting quite a bit, tee hee. But since I'd just done a massive arm workout and hadn't eaten as much as I should have, I had been worried about this swim - and it turned out fine.

The first 10s I would do consistently at 1:30.
The second 10s were usually 1:35, or towards 1:40.

Cool-down: 50m breaststroke / 50m backstroke
We totally got sent home early.

--Distance: 2,400m
--Duration: 65mins

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