
Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Had a great night tonight and finally confirmed the point of the variable starts workouts. When starting on decreasing amounts of time, one should try to hold the same pace throughout the workout, just decreasing the rest intervals. That is what I thought.

100m sculling
100m finger drag (recently found out from a friend that this is to ensure a flat hand entry)
100m shoulder touch
100m catch-up

Main set:
4x 100m on 2:30 - 2:05 to 2:08
4x 100m on 2:25 - 2:08 to 2:10
4x 100m on 2:20 - ~2:10
4x 100m on 2:15 - 2:08 to 2:05 (thought this was the last one and sprinted!)
4x 100m on 2:10 - 2:12 to 2:04 on the very last one

It's very clear that it takes me a long time to get going, especially with my breathing becoming regulated. I'm faster at the end of a set like this than at the start. No matter the times, I'm happy that they were very consistent. I guess I'm more in tune with my own pacing.

Cool-down: 100m easy (tried breaststroke, but that aggravated the bursitis)

--Distance: 2,500m
--Duration: 65mins

Chiropractic Treatment

Back in for more electro-shock therapy. It was milder and shorter today, but it actually hurt the specific injured spot. Then I got the gluteal soft tissue worked on, but I'm not sure if it wasn't too aggressive. The area is really tender the whole day.


Triathlon Bike Ride

Route Link
Beautiful sunny day today, so two of my friends and I (of the Marathon Ride fame) got out to Triathlon Central at Lake Wilcox for a nice rolling ride up Warden Avenue.

The last time I was here in March, I had a terrible time with the small hills that roll over the length of this road. But this time I felt much more confident with the appropriate shifting, and I guess my legs have gotten stronger too. Even the big hills were no match for me. I was slow, but I wasn't desparate.

One of our friends is still getting used to her bike, so she was in a similar position as I'd been before; tough to figure out how to climb the hills best. We were supposed to make a big square for 80km, but we decided to short-course.

I still went twice as far up Warden as I'd ever done before - crossing Davis Drive was like stepping off the edge of the world, haha. There are some sweet climbs north of there, and some nice smooth asphalt. I need that, as I'm still jittery about going over rough road in aero.

One final achievement: I started clipping into my pedals without looking! It's not that hard!

--Distance: 54km
--Duration: 2:39 with a bunch of stops


5 Peaks Rattlesnake Point

One of my favourite races of the year. And the first one that I will have missed due to ass injury. But when you can't race, you have to volunteer and cheer.

Turns out everyone I know and the kitchen sink was also racing here, and my buddies formed an impromptu team to collect points towards a prize. Team AttackPointAR was mostly made up of orienteers and adventure racers - and apparently me, as I had sold my entry to my buddy CK but got left on the list - which was great, cause I added a few volunteer points without even trying.

I walked out onto the rocky Escarpment course with a small group of over volunteers, each sullen from also being too injured to run. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and made notes of the ridiculously dangerous detours the race director and my friend ES had flagged for the course the day before! I managed to drag my leg about 1 or 1.5K out on course and then decided to plant myself on a particularly menacing chasm that we all agreed would result in a pile-up of dead bodies if a marshal did not direct racers on a safer track. The last course flags literally led people towards an invisible 12-ft deep crevice requiring about 6ft of air to jump it. Mr. 5 Peaks did not seem to find this problematic, but he did like ES's suggestion that the crevice ought to have been filled with water and turned into a snapping alligator tank. I guess it's going into the suggestion box for next year's race.

Once I'd staked out my marshaling spot, I hobbled across a narrow swath of forest to the path, on which the racers would be starting their trip through the park. So I got to cheer all my friends out and get a feel for who would place where. Then at the Chasm of Doom I cheered on ES and JR on the sport course, and then the rest of the team on the enduro course, which wasn't lagging far behind despite having to go more than twice as long. I only managed to snap a photo of our first racer, as directing traffic was a bit of a job.

Several of our people medalled in their own age categories, which was fantastic to see. Then the team points were added up, and we got 2nd place! I guarantee this will be the only 5 Peaks medal I will ever get. Sometimes it pays to be injured. :P

5 Peaks Rattlesnake Point - NOT!

First race to be benched due to bursitis - my first DNS. But that doesn't mean I can't have a good time!

BTW, 5 Peaks Southern Ontario is THE most accommodating race company. You show up day-of and they move your numbers to another runner. Just like that.


Gym Workout

Still avoiding most lower-body exercises. Squats seem okay, but keeping the weight down just in case. Might be going over-board with the leg press, but I can't even feel it until 200!

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set / 4th set
(10) DB Bench Press: 25lbs x2 / 25lbs x2 / 30lbs x2 / 25lbs x2
(10/side) Russian Twist: 25lbs plate / 30lbs DB / 35lbs plate / 35lbs plate
(10/side) Push-ups w/ DB Rows: 12lbs x2 / 12lbs x2 / 12lbs x2 / 12lbs x2
---60secs REST
<10 BW squats to warm-up>
(10/side) Diagonal Squat Press: 25lbs plate / 30lbs DB / 30lbs DB
(failure) Chin-ups: 6 / 5
(10) Leg Press: 165lbs / 180lbs / 200lbs 
---60secs REST

--Duration: 33mins

Chiropractic Treatment

Finally got a diagnosis for my achy butt. It's not the hamstring; it's not any of the glute muscles or piriformis. It's actually bursitis - an inflamed bursa, which is a little lubricating sack of fluid that sits between bone and muscle to make sure everything moves smoothly. I feel it through my glutes, but then it radiates down to my upper hamstring.

I've resigned myself to rest. Missing the Rattlesnake Point race and the SOF Chase. Trying not to act devastated. But it's for the best, or I won't be racing at all this season.

One treatment that can aid in healing is electrical stimulation. They attach flat pads to the skin with electrodes running to the machine. A light current vibrates over the pads, sometimes making the muscles tingle, sometimes even spasm. It's supposed to dampen the nerves that are sending pain signals, which somehow induces the healing process.

So far, it caused me to walk funny for the rest of the day.


Recommitment to good eats

I have resigned myself to my hamstring injury, and I realize that taking the pressure off that part of my body and off running is starting to allow me to focus on other sports and strengths. Given that, I've also recommitted myself to eating properly, according to Precision Nutrition principles. I've been sneaking far too much garbage as well as carbs at all the wrong times. But this week has been great. I'm in a good mindset.

Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Missed the warm-up again.

2x 400m: snorkel, pull buoy, paddles / 1min rest
It's a good thing I decided to do a pulling workout in the gym last night! LOL

3x 300m swim / 30secs rest

4x 200m swim / 30 secs rest [I managed 2.75 sets]

--Distance: 2,250m
--Duration: 60mins


Gym Workout

Bummed about not being able to run, so hit the gym instead. Frustrated that I can't work the legs like I'd like to. Tried SHELC, and could not do one rep.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set / 4th set
(10/side) DB Rows @ Bench Plank: 25lbs / 25lbs / 25lbs / 25lbs [couldn't get up to 30s tonight]
(10) DB Bench Press: 25lbs x2 / 30lbs x2 / 25lbs x2 / 30lbs x2
(10) SB Roll-outs: 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
(10) Leg Press: 150lbs / 165lbs / 165lbs / 180lbs [can go higher when leg heals more]
 ---60secs REST
<10 BW squats to warm-up>
(10) Squat Press: 50lbs / 50lbs / 50lbs / 50lbs [much harder than the other night]
(10/side) Heel Raises: BW / BW / BW / BW
(-) Chin-ups: 6 / 5 / 5 [first set was 10 inverted rows, but then rack was unavailable]
---60secs REST
(10/side) DB Sword Draw @ split stance: 7.5lbs / 7.5lbs / 7.5lbs / 7.5lbs
(10/side) Straight-Arm Cable Triceps Push: setting 3 / setting 3 / setting 3 / setting 3
(10/side) Russian Twist: 25lbs plate / 25lbs plate / 30lbs DB / 35lbs plate
---60secs REST

--Duration: 64mins

XSNRG Running Club

It was a hill workout tonight: hard down, hard back up a 660m hill (length). I wanted to test out my sore muscle ahead of the 5 Peaks Rattlesnake Point race this Saturday, knowing that it probably wouldn't be good. My lower calf muscles had also been killing me all day, a nice reminder of my poor running form at Sunday's race.

I shuffled down the hill, then hobbled back up. Passed so many people I hadn't seen in about a month due to the injury or illness or tapering. It was so great to be out! Many people were concerned about my hamstring and giving me the "way to go" on the way up. They could tell I was "favouring one side." Tell me about it. Our club president actually asked me in all seriousness if I'd been to Boston! haha, no, it's just a light injury.

I tried to hard-run the next downhill, but although most of my body was in the mood, my left leg just couldn't open up. I tried a few bounding strides uphill as well, and I definitely felt pain. I didn't bother doing more reps.

I realized later that if I did run Rattlesnake, everything that makes it so fun for me would be missing, as I wouldn't be able to attack the Escarpment the way I love to do. I didn't enjoy the 10K. I learned a lot from it, but it was no fun to run it with this shitty gait. 5 Peaks will be so technical, I will probably be miserable.

I'll test again at the end of the week, but I think it's time to throw in the racing towel.


Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Missed the warm-up.

15x 100m fins
We got started on 2:00, but dropped to 1:55 after 2 sets. We were very consistent at 1:38 to 1:40. I felt stronger as we went along.

150m easy

Sculling drill: 5x 50m, three positions, one per 50

100m back kick

--Distance: 2,000m
--Duration: 60mins


Toronto Yonge Street 10K

I actually had a hard time sleeping because I was so worried that the answer to the question, "should I run this race?" would become a "no."

I had decided to prep as if I were racing, so I got my kit the day before, set up my numbers on my running belt, loaded the gels, laid out my racing clothes and the comfies to stuff into my run bag. At the race site, I gave myself a 1-mile warm-up jog, then proper ABCs and other dynamic warm-ups. I tried accelerating using my old gait and my new gait, but at speed, it didn't matter how I ran - I still felt a tight upper hamstring.

I didn't know what to do. The clock was ticking down to when I'd have to load my run bag onto the shuttle so that it would meet me at the finish. I suddenly realized that this was not an either-or situation. I could start the race, check my comfort zone, check the pace I was keeping on this leg, and drop out if need be. I'd never DNF'd before, but I thought I wouldn't mind. I tossed my bag on the bus and got into my corral.

Route Link
I had wanted to run 5:00 and then negative-split the race down to 4:45 or so. I told myself that if my pace pulled me too far over 50mins without causing myself pain, I'd quit. Lesson #1 - running on an injury takes all your focus away from time management!

This was a ridiculously downhill course - I knew that, but had never experienced such a course, so it felt weird! I found myself running faster through the hips despite not being able to open up the stride much. Lesson #2 - once you warm up a lot, light muscle injuries are not debilitating...

There were a few flats and a couple of short uphills. I refused to race the uphills; just let the crowd pass me. I always make it up downhill anyway. Aside from the one before the start, I took another Roctane gel ahead of the 4km water/Gatorade station. I think I got boosted quite a bit after that, but man was I all over the place with pacing. Started at 4:40s or so and kept that up for a while, then dropped to 5:05 at the water stns, then back down a bit. About 2/3 into the race, I had about 20secs/km in the bank to make <50mins. I started slowing down though. I kept running this thing in fits and starts, slower, faster, stronger, weaker. I think most of my energy was being put into monitoring how I felt and adjusting my gait.

All in all, it went by quickly, as it is a short distance for me. But I felt like I couldn't enjoy racing this event. I couldn't move the way I wanted to, so I wasn't in full control of my body. That sucked. I did enjoy the things I learned about my running gait for sure. I know I grew as a racer. But it was just no fun. I couldn't even sprint to the finish like I always do, especially since I was buoyed by the fact that I'd be waaaay under my goal of 50.

I finished at 48:42. That's slightly over 7mins from my previous best, set at a disastrous (crampy) run of the Women's 10K in August 2010. Most people would be wowed by such an awesome new PB. But I know I can run a lot harder, faster, and smoother on a healthy leg. I can squeeze a lot more out of myself than just a sub-50 - I already knew that after that sick tune-up run led by Reid Coolsaet in mid-March.

Gah, what more can I do to get rid of this muscle problem?

--Distance: 10km
--Duration: 48:42


Tour de Toronto Bike Ride

Signed up for this club ride at the last minute, mainly because it was to go up next to the DVP, then back down, which mimics the Ride for Heart route, and I need the long climb and quick descent practise. The ride would start at Cherry Beach, which is so close, I was gonna just ride straight there.

I wanted to inflate my tires before heading out, and found myself researching the slick racing bike tube valves on the Internet before being able to even unscrew it! Turns out I have Presta type valves. The instructions called for loosening the cap and pressing the valve with a finger to see if it's open. It was open, alright. I managed to instantly deflate the whole tire! What's worse, there is no retaining nut on the valve, so when I tried to put the pump nozzle on it again, it would just fall into the tire, gah! I had to concede defeat and load the bike and pump into the car.

Thankfully bringing a giant floor pump to a club ride makes you quite popular - it got passed around a fair bit, and then a couple of the riders fixed up my tires for me too, haha.

Route Link
We set off up the riverside trail at a very leisurely pace, and after a while, my buddy ML and I decided to make a move and take off; we were joined by another rider who thanked us for being brave, ha. Then we got to Pottery Road and waited for the others, which meant we were starting uphill on Bayview - yay! I needed the hill practise, and that is one big endless hill; I loved it.

At this point, the group was a bit splintered, and my section took a bit of a wrong turn through Mt. Pleasant cemetery, so when we reconvened at Absolute Endurance, we'd lost ML and a few others... eek. We rounded through Leaside and hit the DVP trail again. The pace was still quite slow, so much so that I was mostly coasting and getting cold. A few of us made another move past the group and took off on the flat / downhill trail.

I ended up riding mainly with one other lady right behind me. It was a dreary day, so there weren't any people out in our way on the narrow lane, and we were going at full speed. But the path can be quite uneven at times, and there was a moment when I was in aero, got distracted, and did not get up in time before I hit this awfully ruffled part of the pavement. I got caught in some groove, got pulled to one side then the other, then got launched off the path and onto the lumpy grass, again rocked from side to side, all the while thinking I'm gonna crash in 3, 2, 1... but it never happened! I even started hurtling towards a pole, and managed to use some unconscious reflexes to avoid that too. I finally got back out onto the flat path and slowed down.

I couldn't believe I stayed on that bike. The lady behind me couldn't believe I stayed on that bike! She tried explaining how crazy it all looked from her point of view - I told her I'd love to see that instant replay! The whole ordeal seemed to last forever, and although I really don't have bike handling skills to speak of, I guess I'm inherently strong enough to hold it together. That time, anyway. She ended up riding with me very slowly for a bit to get me calmed down, and then we took off again.

We took the Waterfront Trail east to Coxwell, then back to the Portlands, but we skipped the Leslie Spit because it's a rough ride there. We got back to Cherry, and my new friend continued west on the WT to get her Ironman mileage in. Yikes, what a ride.

--Distance: 34km
--Duration: about 2hrs with all the breaks


Gym Workout

Wow, I ripped it tonight. Tried to do some light leg stuff too.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set / 4th set
(10) Incline DB Press: 25lbs x2 / 25lbs x2 / 25lbs x2 / 25lbs x2
(10/side) DB Rows @ Bench Plank: 25lbs / 30lbs / 30lbs / 30lbs
(10) Inverted Rows: 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
(10) SB Figure-8s: 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
 ---60secs REST
<10 BW squats to test injured muscle>
(10) Squat Press: 50lbs / 50lbs / 50lbs / 50lbs
(10/side) Cable Triceps Push: setting 3 / setting 3 / setting 3 [skipped #3 as cable was in use]
(10/side) Heel Raises: BW / BW / BW / BW
---60secs REST
(5/side) Box Walk-over w/ Push-ups: 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
(10/side) Diagonal Squat Press: 25lbs plate / 30lbs DB / 25lbs plate / 30lbs DB
(10) Leg Press: 120lbs / 135lbs / 150lbs / 165lbs
---60secs REST

--Duration: 61mins


Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Warm-up: 100m swim was all I managed to get in

We got a fast-to-slow workout today. We tried to maintain our speed while getting more rest. We were to get 1min of break between sets, but we extended a bit to let our third lane-mate get a breather.

4x 100 on 2:15
4x 100 on 2:20
4x 100 on 2:25
4x 100 on 2:30
4x 100 on 2:35
4x 100 on 2:40

I think for the first two sets we were doing around 2:05 to 2:10. It was challenging, but for at least the first couple of 100s I could really focus on my form, especially the final push. I had a lot of good flips. But I found myself fish-tailing a lot. My buddy in front was feeling tired from an earlier workout, so we switched after two or three sets. After that, my times were pretty consistent: starting closer to 2:10, then 2:12, then usually finishing around 2:15. I managed the very last 100 at 2:08.

Great to be back for two times per week. I'm feeling stronger already.

Cool-down: 50m breaststroke

--Distance: 2,500m
--Duration: 70mins


Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Coach was back today, with a vengeance!

Warm-up: 300m swim

Main Set:

20x 100m fins, with getting out of the pool each time
- 10 sets on 2:30
- 10 sets on 2:00

I opted to be last of three in the lane. Actually I think I got relatively faster as we went into the second set of 10, which seems to be usual for me. I would have a smooth first 50, then a much more haphazard second 50. I think I ended up drafting quite a bit, tee hee. But since I'd just done a massive arm workout and hadn't eaten as much as I should have, I had been worried about this swim - and it turned out fine.

The first 10s I would do consistently at 1:30.
The second 10s were usually 1:35, or towards 1:40.

Cool-down: 50m breaststroke / 50m backstroke
We totally got sent home early.

--Distance: 2,400m
--Duration: 65mins

Gym Workout

Another upper body / core workout, this time before jumping in the pool. Much stronger than last week, but still didn't wanna do lower body.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set / 4th set
4 individual jump-to-chin-ups [chair was gone, so too hard to do a set with the bands]

(10) Cross-body DB Chop: 15lbs / 20lbs / 20lbs / 20lbs
(10) DB Floor Press: 25lbs x2 / 30lbs x2 / 30lbs x2 / 30lbs x2
(10/Side) Box Walkovers w/ Push-ups: 10 / 10 [started with these, then switched to push-up rows]
(5/Side) Push-up DB Rows: 12lbs / 12lbs
---60secs REST

--Duration: 27mins


Real Ryder Indoor Bike Class

As I've foolishly registered for the Ride for Heart as a VIP (Very Important Philanthropist, pledging to raise $1,000) - I'm privy to a bunch of perks that the regular masses can only dream of. The regular masses who are not pretending to the Heart and Stroke Foundation that they will be able to raise $1,000.

One of these perks was a free indoor bike class at Cykl, a studio that has RealRyder™ bikes, which are regular stationary bikes except for the fact that they move side to side as well, so that you can add a bit of core and arm strength into the workout. I'm not one for indoor workouts, but since I don't really love riding a bike anyhow, it was kind of all the same to me!

Our instructor had the workout up on a big whiteboard, and from what I could tell, we probably did an easier version than the max in her ranges. What I liked about this was that we were asked to be in tune with our bodies and our perceived effort, rather than having an electronic readout tell us what we're doing or what we should adjust to doing. The tension on the bike was adjusted with a simple crank that we had to turn to our own measure of effort as we went along. And our exertion was based on how we felt, not heart rate.

Workout: 2x through:

- bike handling practise
- 3x 1min rolling hills - sitting, then 15 and 30secs out of the saddle respectively
- turning workout - using the biceps and core to turn the bike and hold, then swerve the other way and hold, etc.
- sprints on a very light hill: 5secs hard wind-up, then holding sprint for 30-60secs
- 8mins hill climb, with 15-45secs of stand-up riding, and 1min recoveries

At first I had a hard time controlling the bike out of the saddle, but I observed how the instructor used her abs and arms to absorb the movement of the bike, so that her bike was totally straight as an arrow. I was eventually able to mimic that, and she gave me an honourable mention for it after the class. :)

This might be really good for my bike strength conditioning, and I may actually come back for another class.

--Duration: 45mins (60 with warm-up)


Marathon Bike Ride

Got invited by my running buddy ES to do a bike ride more-or-less along the course for the Waterfront Marathon, to be led by her biking "coach" AL, who is one of those riders that seems to love to help newbies get into the sport, be it through tons of friendly advice, or actual mechanical help, as in ES's case.

I did a few extra clicks riding in from my house, but we started at Queen and University, made our way slightly west and south to the Waterfront Trail, then breezed across past the Humber Bay Bridge. Well, ES and AL breezed; I chugga-chugged. I am not experienced enough to tell if it's my lack of leg power or my lack of shifting experience that makes me so slow on this supposedly fast bike. ES was riding a sweet road bike, but not clipped in, and with less biking time, and she was easily going alongside AL, while I had to fight to keep them in my sights!

There is one optional steep hill on the Trail that I totally bypassed on the way over, while AL flew across it. He gave me some climbing advice on the way back, and I dropped the gears, stood up, and tackled the hill fairly easily. Yes! We continued across to the portlands, past Cherry Beach, across to Tommy Thompson trail, then back up to Lakeshore and Queen East. After we turned around, we got stuck in a bit of afternoon Beaches traffic, and I managed to finally wipe-out from not clipping out of my pedals, as promised earlier to my friends. Thankfully, I fell with one arm on a pulled-over bus, so it wasn't so bad.

On the way back across Queen, we stopped at my local bike shop Velotique so I could replace a Camelbak hose I destroyed while cleaning... ES was like, "will they let our bikes in?" LOL - They have bike racks inside for customers! She got a couple of endcaps for her handlebars to complete her new bike. My two ride mates continued being much faster than me despite my best efforts. I must have a lot to learn. We finally got back to our starting point and high-fived!

Route Link

We found a nice brunch place at Queen and Bathurst called Niche, which had a bike-friendly fenced-in patio so we could dine with our bikes. AL invited us to a great full-day ride to Niagara that he does with friends each year. 7hrs of riding + 3hrs of f'ing around along the way, then taking the Go train back. I'd love to do it, but the weekend they're planning it for, I will be at a sweet triathlon training camp!

--Distance: 55K in about 4 parts
--Duration: a bunch of hours altogether, but the marathon course took about 2hrs.


Gym Workout

A quick upper body and core workout, as I really shouldn't aggravate that butt muscle more. Actually, even being in half-kneel on the db chop, just the stabilization was causing the muscle to ache! Yikes.

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set
(10) Chin-ups: BW-3, Band-7 / BW-3, Band-7 / BW-2-1, Band-4-3
(10) DB Bench Press: 25lbs x2 / 25lbs x2 / 25lbs x2
(10/Side) DB Cross-Body Chop: 15lbs / 15lbs / 15lbs
(10) Stability Ball Figure-8s: 10 / 10 / 10
---60secs REST

--Duration: 19mins


Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu

Blocking and kicking drills, activating the hips from shizentai, sword kata, knife defences, disarming a handgun.

--Duration: 75mins


Toronto Triathlon Club Swimming

Coach was absent tonight, so boy did we ever slack off - in my lane, anyways.

Warm-up: 100m swim / 100m kick

Main set was 6x 100m x 5 super-sets, where we were to add 5secs on each super-set. My lane decided to start on 1:55, which was not doable for me, having been away for two weeks and sick. Turns out it was also not doable for the guys, and they dropped to 2:10 after a few sets. I think I was at 2:15 or something, and I definitely skipped one of the sets because I could not keep up. I skipped another one later on too. Overall, we took tons of breaks and who can really tell what we were swimming on!

5x 100m (skipped one) on 2:00-2:15-ish
6x 100m on 2:15-2:25
5x 100m (skipping again) on who-the-blank-cares?
3x 100m on maybe 2:25

50m breastroke, which hurt my butt muscle a lot

Yes, a pathetic night. It's just not the same when Coach's grimacing face isn't staring at you in disapproval the whole time.

--Distance: 2,150m
--Duration: 75mins

Chiropractic Treatment

Priority today was my achy butt. I'd foam-rolled the day before, and although my Raid DOMS are basically gone, my left butt muscle is quite sore again. My intern found the problem pretty quickly and guessed it's probably the piriformis. She massaged it out a bit and then vibrated it while I was in a glute stretch. I am to roll it and stretch it. I hope it actually heals.

My cuboid joint is still very achy, but since nothing south of my knees caused me any problems at the Raid, it was just a few ankle adjustments and checks of the tibialis posterior, and I was fine. I did get vibrated on the IT band, and that was hell as usual.


XSNRG Running Club Shuffle

Nursing a hurt butt muscle after the Raid, but decided to show up and test it out. Turns out I could only shuffle around and was not able to lift my left leg up to really run. Try as I might, I couldn't actually find the training group along "Stratheden Road." Checking the official route map, if I'd only shuffled out to the diamond shaped streets west of Strath, I'd have seen them, LOL. At least I know I shouldn't be running right now.

--Distance: 1.5K!!
--Duration: a few painful minutes


Giant's Rib Raid

Race report coming soon...
Route Link Alpha - Route Link Beta/Omega

--Distance: 27.5K
--Elevation Change: ~800m?
--Duration: 4:54:57


Foam Rolling

I've had major DOMS in the upper legs since Thursday, plus that butt muscle/tendon is still achy, and now the lower medial quad or whatever is spasmatic, yikes. So I did some careful rolling tonight of the whole legs and butt. Wasn't so bad, but I know that those two problem spots are still acting up. Will see how they feel at my club run tomorrow night. Rolled my arches on the pressure balls as well.


Trail Run

This was a final taper run for team Orient This! racing the Giant's Rib Raid next weekend. The original plan was to do about 12-13K of bike path through two parks, with a number of big hill climbs along the way. As I was preparing the O-maps for this route, I realized that there's a wicked alternative to the bike path in this park - a mountain bike trail in the woods on the other side of the river. So I pitched that instead. None of us had packed trail shoes though, he. It was appropriately very muddy!

I'd been pretty sick since Friday morning, so really didn't know what to do. My legs also hurt like a mutha from a weight workout on Thursday, and there was one particular muscle above the knee that had spasmed on me in the morning. I was very close to just sending my teammates off to run on their own while I took a walk, but I couldn't say no to that MTB trail! So off we went, me huffing and puffing with my mild fever, and my teammates trying not to crash into my slow ass.

I brought out my GoPro headcam for the first time ever too. I'd been so embarrassed to use it in orienteering company, as all the folks who usually don these are super-speedy and make crazy-looking videos. But I also needed to appease my dear friends who had given it to me for my birthday way back in November. We took turns with it out on the slippery trail, and I have to say HD is the awesomest thing ever. It's so crisp and clear, for miles around. With the waterproof casing, the sound only comes through from the videographer, but with music added, who cares? We shot in 4:3, but might go to 16:9 for the race.

Route Link
The trail is really up-and-down, lots of switchbacks, and tons of those little rampy bridges and jumps. I always love running on MTB trails for that reason. It was slow going, but really nice.

Once we got back out onto the bike path, we decided not to go into the other park, as I was sick and ES was still recovering from a funny knee. We took the opportunity of the flat paved path to test out CK's tow line ideas. We tried various lengths of stretchy bungee cord, although I have to say that when it was tied around my hips/waist, it was a bit uncomfortable for the long haul. I preferred to clip it to my pack, but then having it that high up is not efficient. CK said he'd play with it at home to engineer a top-notch system based on advice from other racers.

The distance we covered was truly lame, but it was the best I could do in my state without compromising my health even more. I really need to heal for next weekend.

--Distance: 6.8K
--Duration: forever!