
Pool Swimming

This was a surprise session, as our regular pool is closed for the holiday. My club friends IP and TS found another 25m pool (Variety Village) that was open specially for Family Day. I joined them last minute, once they had started their sets - which were long!

The pool was quite warm, so we ended up taking extended breaks to cool off.

Warm-up: 200m

3x 400m
7:50 / 7:48 / 7:39

4x 200m
3:40 / 3:52 / 3:48 / 3: 50


2x 50m
0:45 / 0:45

200m easy

--Distance: 2,600m
--Duration: 2hrs

Much respect to the para-athlete swimming in his buoyant wetsuit in that hot water. He looked quite dizzy when he got out!

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