
Gym Workout

(reps) Set 1 / Set 2 / Set 3

(10) Front Squat: 60lbs / 70lbs / 80lbs [shaky on that last one, plus needed a spot to get it up there]
(10) DB Bench Press: 30lbs / 35lbs (7) / 35lbs (7)
(10) Inverted Rows: Setting 4 / Setting 4 / Setting 4
(10) Russian Twist: 35lbs plate / 35lbs plate / 35lbs plate

(10) Leg Press: 280lbs / 300lbs [Tried it on the last notch instead of second-to-last, and it was much tougher. Will continue with this setting, as it's more appropriate for my leg length.]
(10/side) Cable Straight-Arm Pull-down: Setting 3

--Duration: 22mins

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