
Kyoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu

Jab / cross / mae ashi shitsui gari / shitsui gari drill: hard to do lead shitsui
Mae ashi shitsui gari / shitsui gari with retraction / jab / oi zuki drill

Mawashi gari to the bag: my right leg was weaker but with better chamber, while my left leg was much more powerful but I couldn't raise it very high

Mae mawari ukemi - gentle fall
Ushiro mawari ukemi from a series of punches and pushes, working towards uke waza
Uke waza: my nemesis, crashed MN, and then took my own hard landing
Kaiten nage: reminder to throw from kiba dachi

From kneeling, a forearm on forearm only pushing/grappling drill: trick was not to commit too much, lest your opponent moves out of the way; sideways pushes also worked

2-on-1 randori: a lot of moving one person around to block the other; I even got thrown into another opponent!
3-on-1 randori: looked more like quick kumite

--Duration: 50mins

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