
Chiropractic Treatment

Instead of the electro-shock, this time I got a therapeutic ultrasound right on the ischiogluteal spot (15mins.)

There happened to be a stability ball in the room, and when I sat on it, it was instant comfort. I was advised to sit on that or something else soft. We tried a memory foam pillow, but it squished too much, and then a disk cushion, but this one still hurt my butt a bit. The SB seems like the way to go, although it'll look funny at work!

I'm also supposed to sleep on the uninjured side with a pillow between my knees to avoid stretching the injured side.

I will also have to start icing about 3x per day to reduce the inflammation.

The clinician told me that this is probably the hardest condition to treat. Even if we manage to get rid of the inflammation, the tissues around the bursa will have to be rehabilitated slowly so they don't reaggravate the area. I'm looking at basically not having a racing season this year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whaaaa!?! Really!?! That really sucks...
