It was new equipment day! I actually packed a spare tube, a CO2 cartridge, and instructions for both. I was told by our club prez that if you bring these items with you, your chances of getting a flat tire are greatly reduced, haha. I also mounted my new Profile Design Aerodrink water bottle that goes between the aero bars so you can just sip from it without moving your hands.
A few clicks into the ride, I found myself careening down a hill, and the only reason why I came to a complete stop at the stop sign was because the road was detouring, and I wasn't sure which way to turn. That's when I looked down at said aero water bottle. The little Velcro strap that I inherited with the mount from the previous owner, and which I was assured at the bike store would hold my bottle, was actually much too short, or only one of two that should have been there, and the bottle was basically teeter-tottering on the edge of my aero bars, ready to fly off and straight under my wheel. Yikes! That would have been fun going down hill at high speed.
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