
XSNRG Running

Since my physio said I could try running training again, I came out for a club run; I thought this night would be perfect because it was one of our slower, longer intervals. I passed the group just as they were running back to HQ, but I continued on to do the workout by myself, as usual!

Warm-up: 1.1km, slow with a bunch of breaks because my right hip got stuck and had to get worked out
- also did my full range of dynamic warm-ups before the intervals

I hadn't done the Belsize loop before; it's a trapezoid of about 600m, where the sides are uphills. I didn't think to ask our Coach which way the club was running tonight, so I decided to alternate, running the long leg, uphill, short leg, downhill, and then back the other way.

7x 3mins, 1.5mins RI

It turned out that 3mins was about the right amount of time for one loop for me, so I kept re-starting at the same corner. But I did get faster all the time!
CW: 560m / 590m / 600m / 620m
CCW: 600m / 640m / 670m

I couldn't believe I was getting more and more distance each time. I was striking mid-foot, bounding, perfect body position. I felt great! So disciplined.

Cool-down: 900m

--Distance: 7km
--Duration: 53mins

Unfortunately not long after I got home, my hip got inflamed. It was really throbbing, and it made it hard to sit. Same with the day after, although a bit better. Total bummer.

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