
Pool Swimming

50m easy / 100m pull / 100m kick

This class was about gauging how you feel - how much power you're putting out rather than what your pace time is. You do really need a bunch of repeats of the same thing to get to know your own body.

3x 100m @ 90%, 15secs RI
1x 100m easy, 1min RI

The first 100 was a bit speedy at 1:55, and then I settled into 2:05. The third set had me get down to a more comfortable 2:00-2:02, which is awesome. I still made sure I was at 90%, but I was a lot smoother.

4x 50m @ 80%, 20secs RI
The first one was a bit fast again at 0:55, then did even 1:00 for the rest.

2x 50m hypoxic w/ 5secs RI at the far end
On the first lap, well-rested, I managed to swim back all the way to the last blue line a couple of meters from the end! I'd taken advantage of calm waters before anyone else had started. The second try was awful by comparison with only a few strokes at the far end, but that's still more than what we've been doing thus far. I'm gonna get this 50 sooner or later.

50m easy

--Distance: 1,900m
--Duration: 55mins [not bad volume for being stuck in traffic!]

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