
Pool Swimming

Warm-up: 100m (stuck at work, wha-whaaaaaaa)

Main Course:
3x 200m on 4:20
3:52 / 3:53 / 3:55
2x 200m on 4:10
3:58 / 3:58
1x 200m on 4:00 (hold pace)

1min rest

3x 100m on 2:10
1:47 / 1:52 / 1:53
2x 100m on 2:05
1:54 / 1:53
1x 100m on 2:00 (hold pace)

1min rest

3x 50m on 1:10
0:52 / 0:53 / 0:52
2x 50m on 1:05
0:53 / 0:53
1x 50m on 1:00 (hold pace)

These were all super times for me. I felt so smooth today, even though I also felt tired from Monday. But my gliding and rolling stroke are finally coming together, and I feel more efficient. I did flip turns probably at least 50% of the time and wasn't terribly out of breath. I also swam in the rope lane, which may have contributed to my speed, so I'm cautiously optimistic here.

1x killer 50 (did 25hypoxic + 5secs off + half-pool hypoxic/sprint)

--Distance: 2,250m
--Duration: 55mins

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