
Pool Swimming

I was able to come on time today, and I actually finished the entire set (just).

100m easy
200m drills w/ flips
100m fast/easy
2x 50m kick
2x 50m pull

We were to drop our usual 100m pace times by 5secs to push us a bit faster. The other distances also had to stay on that new pace. I grumbled at the start, but I managed to pull it off!

8x 100m on 2:10
1:50 / 1:53 / 1:55 / 1:57 / 1:58 / 1:58 / 1:58
4x 200m on 4:20
4:00 / 3:98 / 4:12 / 4:07
2x 400m on 8:40
8:22 / 8:18

Don't know what happened halfway through the 200s, but the clock doesn't lie. Maybe I had been drafting more. In any case, it wasn't a huge difference in speeds like last week. Stroke felt really smooth throughout. I did a great many flip turns too!

--Distance: 3,000m
--Duration: 75mins

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