
Pool Swimming

There was a dry 400 TT here that I missed. Useful for triathlon dry starts.

100m easy
200m zipper / catch-up
100m kick - I thought that I was just fast with the fins, but I was also fastest with just regular kicking. Obviously my kick has a negligible effect on my overall speed though!
100m pull
100m easy

400m TT - 7:30
1sec off my best, so awright.

50m easy

750m TT - 14:14 !!! That's a PB by 31secs!
Granted, I drafted behid J and C most of the way, but they usually lap me, so just sticking with them was awesome! I felt great, and I think I was finally doing front-quadrant.

100m on 1:55
50m easy
1:55 / 1:55 although had to slow down after each 50

--Distance: 2,100m
--Duration: 60mins

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