
Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set

(10) Deadlift: 125lbs / 130lbs / 135lbs
(10) DB Bench Press: 30lbs x2 / 30lbs x2 / 30lbs x2
(45secs/side) Side Plank: BW / BW / BW

--Duration: 22mins

Road Cycling

After the clinic, I felt I needed a bit more time on the bike, so instead of heading back down the highway, drove to Wilcox to do a short loop around the block. I was reminded of how much I hate Bloomington, with its jackhammer grooves across the road. Thudunk, thudunk, thudunk, thudunk... ugh. It was also kind of torn up because I guess they will resurface it soon.

Didn't have the energy or the sustenance to go up Warden, so turned down Woodbine back to Stouffville Road, neither of which I'd ever ridden on. It was smooth and nice. Even though I had driven on this stretch of Stouffville a bunch of times, including not 30mins earlier, I had never realized how hilly it is until I had to conquer it on the bike. Tough stuff for an out-of-shape rider. I went into my bars a few times, but overall was too jittery with the traffic.

Route: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=5907459

--Distance: 16.8km
--Duration: ~45mins

Cycling Clinic

First outdoor clinic with Andrew Randell!

Given our beginner level, he scaled back this class from a full ride to a parking lot handling clinic with a shorter ride around the neighbourhood at the end.

We did a bunch of loops around the lot:
  • Riding in a straight line
  • Slalom around water bottles, getting ever tighter
  • Turning within two parking spaces, then trying to get down to one space

Points of interest:
  • Try not to ride in gears with the chain pulled crosswise
  • When changing the front gears, do so when there isn't much pressure on the pedals, that is, before you go into a hill
  • When turning, keep the inside pedal up
  • You can apply pressure on the handlebars on the side going into the turn
  • Break before a turn, not during, as this will pull you out of the turn
  • When going over an obstacle, ease up on the front, then the rear of the bike
  • Turn-arounds in races: instead of a perfect U, go in wide, then cut across while turning and come back out close to the pylon

Then we took an easy ride, single-file. We were supposed to stick together, but you know triathletes. Maybe Andrew can reign us is a bit more next time.

Route: www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=5907449

--Distance: 13.6km
--Duration: 75mins + 45mins


Gym Workout

(reps) 1st set / 2nd set / 3rd set

(10) Deadlift: 135lbs / 135lbs / 135lbs [I mistakenly started putting the 45lbs plates on, forgetting that I hadn't done these in too long, but by that point, it would have been embarrassing to have to switch out for smaller plates! Ow, my back....]
(10) DB Bench Press: 30lbs / 35lbs (6 + 4) / 30lbs
(45secs/side) Side Plank: BW / BW / BW

(10/side) Calf Raises: BW / BW / BW
(10) Inverted Rows: BW / BW / BW
(5/position/side) Split Squat w/ Pulses: 20lbs / 25lbs

--Duration: 25mins


Pool Swimming

50m easy
2x 25m head-up
2x 50m time ~0:50
2x 100m pace ~1:55 [really gasping on this one]
200m kick w/ fins
50m pull w/ paddles [got my "running" cramps!]

7x 50m on 1:05 [ should have been 10, but I was still out]
0:55 / 0:50 / 0:52 / 0:52 / 0:53 / 0:55 / 0:55

8x 100m on 2:25
1:50 / 1:50 / 1:50 / 1:50 / 1:51 / 1:50 / 1:49 / 1:47
[really relaxed on this set, and here is the result!]

100m easy
2x 25m hypoxic

--Distance: 1,950m
--Duration: 60mins


Gym Workout

This is phase 11 of PN-LE-2011. Might have to switch out the split squat due to injury.
Also, I forgot how hard it is to do more than 10 reps.

(reps) Set 1 / Set 2 / Set 3

(10/side) DB Split Squat: 25lbs x2 / 30lbs x 2 / 25lbs x 2
(10) Cable Pull-down @ tall kneel: 12 / 13 / 14
(10/side) Cable Chop @ 1/2 kneel: 4 / 5 / 4

(15) Goblet Squat to Box: 35lbs / 40lbs
(15/side) Single High-incline DB Press: 15lbs / 15lbs
(15/side) DB Row @ 1/2 plank: 20lbs / 20lbs

--Duration: 28mins


Pool Swimming

200m zipper / catch-up

2x 100m kick w/ fins, 0:30 RI
1x 100m tombstone w/ fins, 0:30 RI

2x 100m pull w/ paddles, 0:30 RI
1x 100m partner pull, 0:30 RI

4x 100m, 0:30 RI
1x 200m, 1:00 RI
1:45 / 1:50 / 1:55 / 1:53 / 3:50 (- 8secs rest when I got passed) ~3:45 !! (nearly lost a lung on this)
1:55-2:00 / 3:55

25m easy / 25m hypoxic

--Distance: 2,650m
--Duration: 60mins