
Pool Swimming

Hey, I got a workout in while visiting Poland! On our final night, both my mom and one of my cousins put in an order for swimming, and we went to a private pool resort place they have a membership at to use the 25m sport pool. The resort is Stacja Nowa-Gdynia just outside of Łódź, built on top of a pond and housing every kind of sport facility you can think of. It's quite expensive, but fine for one night.

100m easy/
50m finger drag / catch-up
50m easy
4x 25m hypoxic (2/2/2/1 breaths)

Felt I needed some speed work, so just did a bunch of 100m. The problem is that everybody in Poland swims breaststroke! They do call it "styl klasyczny," which shows how much respect the thrashy freestyle gets... The lanes were segregated by speed, but only officially. The fastest lane had some decent young breaststrokers, most of the time. Here were my crappy times:

1:55 on 3:00
2:00 on 2:55
2:00 on 2:50
1:57 on 2:45
??? on 2:40 - why? because I tried to pass a middle-aged lady doing, you guessed it, the breaststroke in the fastest lane - got into a head-on collision with another ... breaststroker.
1:55 on 2:35
1:51 on 2:30

Well, that's pretty bad. But at least I got faster as I went along. Totally exhausted.

--Distance: 1,300m
--Duration: <1hr, as that's what we paid for, including the time it takes to change!!


  1. LOL... they probably thought you didn't know how to swim :-)

  2. That's exactly what I was thinking! I was so embarrassed. Thrashing about like that.
