
Pool Swimming

For our last two pool workouts, we've moved to an outdoor pool, so no pace clock. My dear Spartan racing friends dropped me off and waited for me, as we were quite delayed coming back in from Ottawa. A good friend will not let you miss a workout!

100m easy
200m drills, alt. catch-up / zipper
100m easy
4x 25m sprints

2x 750m broken up and faster pace on each one, 1min rest:
400m / 200m / 100m / 50m

On the first set, it was difficult to increase pace without losing my breath or my new stroke technique. The second time around, I could breathe much more easily, and I accelerated more easily.

Cool-down: 50m easy

I checked-in with Kyle about over-gliding, but he said that the way I do it, my glide will never be too long.
My two friends watched the second half of our class and compared all the various techniques people used. CK said that he thought my entry was excellent - that I break the water without any splash. Yay! It doesn't feel that way, but I think relaxing my hand has helped.

--Distance: 2,050m
--Duration: 60mins

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