
Pool Swimming

50m easy

3x 30secs vertical treading water, 3x 30secs normal treading
10 x 25m side stroke with fins
100m build (focus on legs): ~1:50
10 x 25m side stroke w/o fins
100m build (focus on legs, and I did): ~1:40 - couldn't believe the clock
4 x 25m head-up / 25m hypoxic (should have been 5x, but I took long breaks)
100m build: 1:40 - for sure this time, wow

400m TT: 7:30
2x 200m: 3:48 / 3:47, drat
2x 100m sprint all-out: 1:38, 1:40

Definitely felt stronger in the legs after the leg builds, wow. And I was always faster and less tired when I relaxed more. Go figure.

Totally gassed at the end though.

--Distance: 2,000m
--Duration: 70mins

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